wholesale silver indian jewelry What related materials and steps are required to hold auctions?

wholesale silver indian jewelry

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  1. wholesale white leatherette jewelry displays The auction procedure
    The auction procedure refers to the overall process of the auction operation. It can be divided into four stages, which are delivered in turn to the delivery of the auction, announcement, auction, and auction.
    . The commission stage of the auction

    The delegate identity is required during the auction stage, which mainly refers to the document of the identity and the identity of the client. If the client is a natural person, it should provide an ID card; if the client is a legal person or other organizations, it should provide a business license for corporate legal persons and the registration certificate of the corporate corporate legal person.

    The power of the client must be determined during the client stage. Certificate of ownership of the auction target may be performed in accordance with the law, and the auction of the auction target can prove that the client enjoys the certification materials of the items or property rights that will be auctioned soon.

    The auctioneer must understand the nature of the auction targets entrusted by the client. The client must provide detailed information of the auction target, including the name, quantity, quality, new and old degree and storage place of the auction target. Due to the extensive characteristics of the auction bids, for different target objects, the auctioneer should strive to obtain as detailed information as possible. After negotiating with the client, the reservation price of the auction target, the proportion of commission charged, and the auction method. Then sign the "Entrusted Auction Agreement", which can also be called a commissioned auction contract (hereinafter referred to as the agreement). , Residence, legal representative, agent;

    (2) The name, quantity, residence (stored), and status of the auction target; The reservation price of things;

    (4) The cost of the auction is charged;

    (5) The settlement period of the auction, the settlement period of the auction price, the delivery method of the subject matter Details;

    (6) The method of auction and the terms of re -auction;

    (7) Conditions for the suspension and termination of the auction procedures;

    (8) The liability for breach of contract for the parties;

    (9) The validity period of the signing time and the contract; n
    . The announcement and display of the auction

    The announcement process of the auction includes: the announcement of the auction, the promotion of the auction target, the contact and consultation with the bidder, and the display of the auction.

    The announcement of the auction is to inform the general public of the auction to the public, and the time of informed the "People's Republic of China Auction Law" has clearly stipulated, that is, it must be issued on the 7th day before the auction date. The commonly used ways to be informed are advertising on the media. The announcement itself is not an offer in the sense of the contract, but only invites negotiations (it is actually invited to invite and seduce the offer). The auction announcement generally contains the following matters:

    (1) The client of the auction (except the client requests confidentiality);

    (2) the nature of the auction;

    (3) The name, type, quantity, and quality of the auction target;

    (4) The time and place of the auction targets;

    ( 5) The time and place of the auction consultation;

    (6) The time and place of the auction;

    (7) Contact and contact information;

    (8) The qualifications and conditions of the bidder and the amount and delivery method of the auction margin;

    (9) Other matters that should be informed of the bidder should be notified.

    The propaganda of the auction target, although it must be over 7 days, in order to make the auction target more buyer, the announcement and display time can be longer, that is, the bidding for the purchase of the subject matter The more people, the better, the better the situation of the auction is better. Generally speaking, the auctioneer does not bear the guarantee of the auctioned target, especially the auction of public property. However, the auctioneer should inform the bidders of the bidder, which is very important for the fairness of the auction and the establishment of a good corporate image for the auction. During the display of the auction objects, the auctioneer must provide detailed information of the auction target, such as "Auction Notes", "Special Regulations for Auction", and "Lot Catalog". These auction information should generally include the following content:

    (1) The name, quantity, quality, etc.;

    (2) Payment method and period of the price of the target target; Other related expenses;

    (4) Auction and transaction methods;

    (5) The tax and fees should be paid for the transfer of the subject matter;

    (6) Other things to be notified.

    It because the scope of the auction target is quite extensive, the "Special Provisions" and the preparation of the "Lot Catalog" should be explained in detail for the cost of changes in the change of rights.

    . The operation process of the auction

    In the processing and appearance of the bidder, in order to clearly indicate the willingness to participate in the bidding, you must register for bidding before you can in order Become a bidder in the true sense. After the delivery deposit and the receiving bidding plate, the auction will be participated in the auction according to the time and place stipulated in the announcement. When the auctioner is out of the hammer to indicate the transaction, the buyer will be generated among many bidders.

    (1) The bidding registration is an actions that the bidder shows the identity, provides documents and represents the willingness to bid for bidding. The auctioneer has the right to review the bidder's qualifications and has the right to decide whether to accept its willingness to bid. The bidding registration should generally include:

    1, the name, residence, certificate number of the bidder;
    2, the brief situation of the bidder (such as business scope, etc.);

    3, contact, address, telephone; n
    5, the delivery of margin;

    6, account opening bank, property or credit status, etc.;

    It some lots should limit whether the bidder has business qualifications, such as tobacco, alcohol, etc. Therefore, the scope of the bidder's proof of the material is very important.

    (2) The auctioneer collects a certain amount of bidding margin from the bidder to ensure the success of the auction, prevent the bidder's irresponsible bid, and safeguard the interests of the client. The bidder must pay the auction margin according to the period and amount specified in the auction announcement. The bidders who overdue or have not paid a full amount of deposit will be considered as giving up bidding. After the auction, the savings of the buyer can be transferred to part of the price, and the margin of the unsusted bidder will be refunded to the bidder. Only in one case can margin be switched to liquidated damages, that is, when the bidder has become a buyer and is unwilling to pay the price, the prepaid deposit of the prepaid payment is converted to a liquidated damage, and part of the liquidated damage is used to pay the auction fee. Another part of the compensation of the client.

    (3) The auctioneer organizes auction at the time and place of the auction announcement during the auction. The specific steps include: registration reception, auction host, auction master auction, signing, financial settlement, etc.

    (4) When the bidder becomes a buyer, he should sign the "Auction Transaction Confirmation" (hereinafter referred to as the "Confirmation Letter") with the auctioneer. Confirm the agreed between people. "Confirmation" is also a kind of buying and selling contract that determines the rights and obligations of the auctioneer and the right to buy, and has legal binding. The contents of the "confirmation" include:

    1, the number plate number of the buyer;

    2, the number, name, quantity, transaction price of buying the subject;

    3, the proportion, amount, and total amount of the transaction fee;

    4, the signature of the auctioneer and the buyer. "Confirmation" must take effect after the auctioneer and the buyer are signed.

    . The settlement of the auction and the delivery of the target

    The this stage is the settlement stage of the auction. The settlement stage of the auction should include: the settlement of the buyer, the settlement of other bidders other than buyers, the transfer of the auction target, the settlement of the client, the accountant's accounting, and the arrangement of the auction data.

    (1) After the buyer pays all the price and the auction fees within the time specified by the auctioneer, the auction talent can submit the auctioned objects Bills are for buyers; different auctions according to the situation of the standards should also assist the buyer to go through the procedures for changes in certain ownership to provide good after -sales service for buyers.

    (2) After receiving the price of the buyer, the auctioneer should settle with the client in time. After deducting the commission fee, the remaining price should be delivered to the client. Generally, settlement with the client should include the following content:

    1, the commissioned contract, contract number and date; ;

    3, the cost of the transaction label in the auction operation process;

    4, the auction commission;
    5, the price that the auctioneer must pay.

    For some target objects, the auctioneer should also ask the client to provide relevant document procedures to facilitate the buyer to handle the change of the owner.

    (3) The settlement of the auction In addition to the settlement of the buyer and the client, the settlement of the auctioneer itself (accounting) is also extremely important. Including the taxes of expenditure, the handling fee, commission, etc. of income, they should be calculated.

    (4) Summarize the experience of each auction, organize the auction transcript, and save the auction information The storage period must not be less than 5 years. At the same time, the data of the bidder will be archived, and the accumulation can become a source of customers in the future auction. Noon

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