wholesale jewelry stores in new york How to find source cooperation

wholesale jewelry stores in new york

3 thoughts on “wholesale jewelry stores in new york How to find source cooperation”

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    . Examine yourself

    The words of a very classic words: "No choice, try hard!" Choosing the right source category, that is, what kind of product you choose to sell is the first step to determine whether the business of micro -business entrepreneurship can succeed. To do this step, first of all, according to your gender, personality, knowledge structure, human connection status, your own consumer needs, etc., combine the market capacity, heat, and competition status of various products, weigh the advantages and disadvantages, and then make choices. Essence

    . Determine the source category of goods

    The classic lines in the business industry: women and children's money is best to make! Aesthetic is the nature of women:

    ① Cosmetics ② mask ③ beauty shaping ④ underwear ⑤ sanitary napkin ⑥ private protection product. These categories of products are categories with huge market capacity and high profit margins and repurchase rates. In addition, such categories such as infant diapers and children's learning supplies (such as positive pen) are also the excellent choice for newcomers to make micro -business.

    Special reminder: Do not take the weight of your existing connections too much, because relatives and friends can buy it once, and there are more relatives and friends, it is not enough to help you support a career Essence What's more, if your personality is similar to me and belongs to the kind of person who belongs to "dead face and sin", then you can basically ignore this factors. In short, no matter how powerful your "relatives and friends" are, you must be mentally prepared at the beginning of entrepreneurship: relatives and friends can only be used as "icing on the cake", and you must not regard it as "source living water"!

    Clash after choosing a product category that you will be engaged in the main business of micro -business in the future, the next step is to choose the specific brand you want to do, that is, the specific supplier of the source, or the generally referred to as the specific choice of specific specific selection and specific specific choice of specific specific selection specific specifics Brand and "home".

    . Choose cooperative brand principles

    (1): Don't blindly "big"!

    The big brands of traditional enterprises, although their fame is very loud, because it is not a professional micro -business, micro -business channels are only supplemented by traditional business super channels, and some are even in the stage of testing water for micro -business channels. Therefore, in terms of the design of the micro -business agency system, this big brand determines that its model will exist in an inevitable defect: how to reduce the negative impact of the micro -business channel on the business super channel, and put it on the factors of priority consideration. Therefore, the design of the traditional agency system in the design of the micro -business agency system has many agency levels, and the difference between different levels is very large.

    The cross -border micro -business brand such as such a large enterprise, not only has the enterprise's purchase discount on small and micro -business no advantage, but the supermarkets are full of the same type of goods, and the competition between the same brand sellers is very fierce. In the end As a result, the string of goods is serious and the market price is very chaotic. It is difficult to sell the goods in the hands of newcomers. Even if the product is sold, the profit is very thin!

    The brand, even if the reputation is big, it is recommended to remove it from your source list. At the end of this article, I will mention that my lesson and lesson when I first entered the industry was related to this.

    (2): quality priority!

    The essence of micro -business is that after sharing your own experience through social software to share your own experience, you have a really cost -effective screening, which is worth recommending and recommended. Therefore, you must ensure that all of your sources come from regular large manufacturers with a certain scale and strength and high quality control. Those companies that have been blacklisted by the quality of products exposed by the Industry and Commerce Bureau must be resolutely eliminated.

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  3. jewelry italy wholesale Pay content for time limit to check for freenAnswer WeChat agents can go to the wholesale markets in various places. For example, some cities have clothing cities or electronic cities. In fact Sell ​​with the source of WeChat. You can also find the source of some physical stores. Some physical shops also follow the channel of micro -commercial goods. Basically, you can give the agent a generation. Basically, it is a one -story agent. What kind of products are generally explosive or some silver jewelry, snack snacks, and many prices still have advantages. There is also the source of the micro -business brand. Generally, it is found directly to find the factory or OEM, and then take the agent system WeChat model, or do direct retail. A source channel. Generally, there are many levels of multi -level distribution agency systems. The level that can achieve high levels is actually quite advantageous.

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