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    Callow advertising words
    This Start: An old man, you can see that when he was young, he was a big beauty. She slowly took out a well -preserved wooden box. There are some beautiful jewelry inside, no! When my door looked at the expression of the old man, we found that it was not only jewelry, but also some memories of love and happiness
    Girls' article: I (the same girl) when I was 16 years old, I went to visit with my mother. Store, my mother went to buy jewelry. The younger I was lying in front of the window of Xinjin Jewelry to see the old and old. It's so beautiful! I couldn't help sighing at the model with jewelry. I thought again: Mom said that I was beautiful when I grew up. Then if I bring Xinjin, it must be more beautiful than her (model).
    Puya: Today is my 22nd birthday. He had been with me. When eating, he suddenly took out a necklace for me, and hoped that I would be her girlfriend. It's Xinjin! How do he know that I like it so handsome, so beautiful it is really messy. This is the first love of others!
    Proposal: Yesterday, I really died. Only flowers want to propose. snort! Don't marry! Too sincere. But, huh! Watching him run over today, the diamond ring. (I took the precepts. But I had to think about it for a few days!) That was so funny! To be honest, the light of this diamond ring is so soft, just like his love for me! It's over! Why did he mention him again. never mind! Don't worry about him. Promise him tomorrow!
    The new wedding article: Today, I am definitely the most beautiful me! I said it as a child: I was the most beautiful with it! Imagine my happy life in the future, and I was intoxicated.
    Wedding commemorative day: The boss is the boss. The entire capitalist! With so many things, I also said that my door was too leisurely. It's so angry. However, when I looked at my necklace, I remembered my gentle husband, the cute child, and my happy family life. I think my motivation is back. Today, I am still my wedding anniversary, step up my work, so look forward to it! What jewelry will he give me today? Is it the latest necklace of Xinjin
    Fample of the wedding anniversary: ​​After finally getting home, I returned home. There was a big group of people at home. After eating, drinking, I have to watch the ball at my house. What to do! Also need to help him clean up and cook coffee when I am angry. He hugged me from behind. Slowly help me bring me the necklace I hope for a long time. Listening to him gently in my ear: Wife, you have worked hard! I suddenly felt that what I did was so worthy of
    years leap -in
    Children: The child grows up, from the young man who will only cry, grow into a handsome guy, watch him day by day While growing up and gratifying, I also found that I was slowly old. Today is the child's birthday, and I gave him a small gift. He also gave me a gift! Intersection Intersection I slowly opened it, it was a necklace. He said: Mom, this is what I bought with a work of working. In fact, my birthday should be blessed because of your birthday! You gave me born today 20 years ago. It's you, what he said about me, I didn't finish it, and I didn't know what he said behind him. I only knew that I kept stroking the necklace in my hand, leaving only happiness and moving in my mind. I suddenly felt wet in my eyes. Is this tears of happiness?
    Ending: Old, old! The hair was all white, and my grandson said that I must be a big beauty before. Ha ha! How did he know. What a good boy! Old man! Do you remember? It is today 50 years ago, you want me to propose! You were dumb at that time. So ridiculous. I opened my jewelry box. Did you see that? This is the diamond ring you gave me! We have been old for so many years, but it is still so bright. Its light is as soft as 50 years ago. It has been using its brightness to witness our long love and happiness! Old man, if there are still life. I want you to sell me new gold jewelry, and I still have to marry you.

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    movie promotional advertisements Word Daquan
    1. The most anticipated costume history blockbuster "Mulan"
    2. Disaster, crisis, unfortunately surrendered human beings, and take a look at the "last destination of humans" made by Hollywood. —— "20xx"
    3. A wake -up picture of the scenes, the incompetent shots of a group of unheard of a group -Maya prediction finally outbreak. —— "20xx"
    4. The source of laughter, the paradise of joy, and happy at the cinema to watch "Panda Heroes"
    5. We do not believe in fate, but we cannot ignore the voice from the bottom of the heart. —— "Like Water"
    6. You should understand for every "human ending" shot on the earth. —— "20xx"
    7. I can't forget the shy shadow under the hawthorn tree, moved because of the simple and beautiful love. This autumn, knowing you is the gift of fate to me. In this life, no matter how old the years are, I will love you deeply regardless of the ends of the world and not let you be lonely. On September 16, the hawthorn tree agreed to you. —— "Love of Hawthorn Tree"
    8. Alien immigrates to the earth, causing the human "human nature" crisis- "Ninth District"
    9. Time and space crossing romantic and romantic comedy comedy.
    10. Human alternative disaster horror reproduces the screen- "Ninth District"
    11. Women's catching history, panda subvert comedy. —— "Panda Heroes"
    XX, annual comedy. "Sui Dynasty"
    13. The night of men, a woman's life. —— "A letter from a strange woman"
    14. Then I will find a fast monk. —— "The King of Kung Fu"
    15. The new American creation of science fiction giant "Ninth District" - "Ninth District"
    16. Two Sui dynasties, crossing this ultra -thunderstorm through time The era of super.
    17. Mid -Autumn Festival this year, true love is innocent. —— "Color · Ring"
    18. The epic of the heroes, the example of the ancient beauty, and the modern interpretation classic reproduction.
    19. The first shot of the New Year's Eve: "Mulan" appeared!
    20. Hollywood production of science fiction films — "Ninth District"
    21, earthquake, tsunami, volcano, hurricane, hurricane, flood, meteorite, typhoon, landslide, urban falling ground ... … All possible disasters on the earth concentrated. —— "20xx"
    22, Chen Kun, Zhao Wei's "Painting Skin" once again continued "Mulan"
    23, several times more special effects than "acquired", "disaster giant" carrying Ding Zhi. —— "20xx"
    24. Love is between your legs. —— "Love God"
    25. On the 13th of the month of XX, will you believe it? - "20xx"
    26, "Ring Ring King" director Peter Jackson produced by Peter Jackson- "Ninth District"
    7, "My Tang Dynasty Brothers", fierce costume martial arts film, funny Come like it. "My Brothers of the Tang Dynasty"
    The annual advertisement of the Loose Potato Chip Monkey
    Eremia, as a household potato chip brand, invites big -name stars to endorse them every year. 20XX's music advertisements are responsible for male god Li Yifeng and the goddess Guo Cajie. As a hot male star Li Yifeng this year!
    The advertising words are: fun, eager to integrate into every joy of the Chinese life. Whether it is a person's enjoyment, the gathering of friends, or the reunion of family members, there will always be happy to add happiness to every time!
    The advertising words are: thin potato chips, wonderful taste, and also carries the taste of Chinese humanity and a happy taste. For a while, there are fun!
    The fresh taste and multi -layered rich texture of music constantly stimulate consumer taste buds, bringing unprecedented delicious experience. The joy of taste made consumers unknowingly raised their mouths and smiled happily.
    The advertising word is: easy and pleasant brand personality, let you smile
    "For a while, there is fun" is the consistent brand slogan. From happiness -oriented marketing strategies, to brand spokespersons with image sunshine, and to various easy and happy brand advertisements, joy always presents a happy and happy brand personality. Not only that, music also hopes that people can also feel the happy concept conveyed by the brand while enjoying delicious potato chips -delicious moments are joy moments.
    The advertising word is: advocating a happy life attitude, let you smile
    I having a life attitude. In the hearts of the music brand, the source of happiness is the delicious potato chips that can be resistant, which can bring consumers' physical and mental joy. Little potato chips, although it cannot change the world. However, the happy life attitude advocated by music is significant.
    Lile is a well -known potato chip brand in the United States. It is also the name of a company founded in 1932. It has become a product of Pepsi since 1965. As a world -renowned brand, since 1938, music affairs have entered the Chinese market in 1993 to consume and bring irresistible delicious experience and happy brand spirit. For more than 20 years, music has continuously created delicious legend with Chinese characteristics. Based on the needs of domestic consumers, it combines China's profound food culture to develop delicious potato chips suitable for domestic consumers, and spread the brand spirit widely among hundreds of millions of Chinese consumers, thus becoming a household name Potato chip brand.

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