wholesale jewelry district bangkok How do I want to act as a micro -merchant to find the jewelry?

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5 thoughts on “wholesale jewelry district bangkok How do I want to act as a micro -merchant to find the jewelry?”

  1. copper sheet metal for jewelry making wholesale Want to proxy jewelry how to find a micro -business?
    In how to find the jewelry to make a micro -business?
    How to find a micro -merchant to find a micro -business?
    mentor F10 ★ 9 ⑦0 ★ 3: 3

    No matter what the product you want to do, the most important thing is the learning method. I suggest you learn the methods and techniques of micro -business first, and then according to your own advantages and your own advantages and your own advantages and If you choose the product, you must not be blindly involved. Not only can you not earn rice or increase your trouble. Now many micro -merchants have stocks that cannot be sold, no source of customers, and will not communicate. Give up, because the acquaintance market is limited after all, if you want to make money, you must open up the strange market, and let the customers who need your products take the initiative to add you. With this method and skills, there are constant sources of customers. Are you still afraid that the product will not be sold? My drainage skills are exclusive, and many teams will not tell others if they kill them.

    First, you must learn how to diversion through various channels on the Internet
    Secondly, the customer must be precise customers or potential customers. drainage.
    Third, the speed of desire is not reached, and nothing can work quickly. Especially doing this requires a amount of accumulation.
    Fourth, you must hold a good mentality at novices

    The more and more people doing WeChat merchants this year. Advertising, but how do you do a good job of micro -business? But not many people know that the concept of this piece is very vague. How do Weishang do? Most importantly, you must choose a good source of micro -business, next is Find a good micro -quotient to take you. If the micro -business is not good, your product is good, and it is not useful. Both are closely related.

    The first point. If you are looking for someone to add someone, even if you add it, it will not be your precise source of customers. Therefore, taking the initiative to go to customers can give up completely, do not add blindly, and then sell your products. In fact, it is also important to be a micro -business online and offline. You transform your friends in the Internet into friends in reality. This is A very deep learning, how to communicate with customers to create a good communication environment. Communicate with each of your customers with your heart, the success of a customer will bring you more customers! Take the initiative to add some zombie powder, it is better to maintain these customers in your WeChat, or one, or one More than a hundred friends, as long as you maintain good maintenance, there will be returning guests, the number is not large but fine.

    It the second point you need to learn to chat. Everyone knows that in fact, sales are to talk. Of course, we are a micro -quotient. In terms of sales, it is more complicated. At this time, language is our best way to communicate, and it will improve each other's trust! At this time, we need to discover the needs of each friend attentively, such as going to the customer's space. Or the circle of friends to look at his usual state. This is the entry point of the topic. When the trust between us and the source of the customer is established, it is very good for the promotion of future products. At least that chats with you His friends will not be disgusted.

    The third point, to truly good agent and let the agent achieve yourself, I think as a micro -quotient, you are not just to save the goods to your agent After that, you have to help them sell the goods, and carefully teach the agents! In this way, they will follow you, and they will be confident of yourself, confidence in you, and trust you and you to create your beautiful future.

    The product is very important, good products can attract more returned customers. But if there is no source of customers, you will publish product information in the circle of friends without friends. The most deadly point is that there is no source of customers. So how do Weishang find a source of customers? Acquaintances are the source of guests? wrong!

    How to find customers to find customer concentration points. Where the customer goes, the Weishang goes there. For example, if you are doing skin care products, you know that your customers are women, then you should go to a place where women are active to promote. Finding a woman who is interested in skin care products can play the greatest effect, attracting precise fans, but also increasing the transaction rate of your selling. At the same time, the micro -business of tea or tobacco and alcohol needs to study the active places of such people. In this place, they can attract their attention through various publicity methods, so that the source of customers will be concentrated.

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