wholesale jewelry companies in nyc What does "not gold in empty abdomen" in rural areas mean?

wholesale jewelry companies in nyc

4 thoughts on “wholesale jewelry companies in nyc What does "not gold in empty abdomen" in rural areas mean?”

  1. wholesale jewelry retail packaging Gold in empty abdomen is not gold. This is very interesting. Looking at it, it feels very contradictory. Nothing, hungry, sell gold to sell money to buy food, just do it. You know, gold is very valuable. If you just take it out and sell it, you can control your belly for a year. Why is gold not gold when it is empty?
    If people give you a choice, let you be hungry for ten days, and then give you a gold. Another choice is to give you full meal every day. I think that many people will choose to eat every day. Because I am hungry for ten days, even my life is gone. What is the use of gold?
    We often say that people are iron, rice is steel, and they are not hungry for a day. The meaning of this means that when we do n’t eat for many days, when we are hungry, it ’s useless to give you a bunch of gold, because gold is a metal material, we ca n’t eat it as a meal. Give me a bunch of gold, it is better to give me a bowl of rice.

    Mi people may not understand, even if they are poor, it is impossible to not eat for a few days, and they are hungry.
    In the past famine era, food was lacking, and food became scarce. Everyone was hungry every day. At this time, even if you have a lot of gold, it is useless, because ordinary people have no place to buy food.
    The hunger when you get lost in the wild, caught in danger, and there is no food. At this time, even if you pick up gold, it is useless. Because this gold can't help you relieve your dilemma at all. Because of hunger, you are exhausted, your body and mind are exhausted, and you are tired of giving you a few BRICS.
    The principle, just like water in the desert, sometimes a pound of water is valuable than a pound of gold. Because water can help, and gold only drag you.

    Cong Village old words, many of them are educated words. Can't just look at a surface.
    This is your own physical problem. Internal problems will threaten people's health and life. Although gold is very expensive, it is outside the body.
    Is when our lives and physical health are harmed or threatened, things outside, even valuable, are meaningless, useless.

    is like numbers. Body and health are 1 in front. Wealth and outer objects are 0. Only the first 1 is in the front. Otherwise, everything is zero.

    It golden abdomen is not gold. This is mainly to warn young people to pay attention to their physical health when working hard to make money. When the health is gone, even if the outside things are as expensive as gold, it is meaningless.

  2. native american wholesale jewelry The meaning of this sentence is that a person's stomach is empty, but there is gold in his pocket, so the gold is not worthy of money.

  3. hip hop jewelry wholesale distributors It means that hollow gold jewelry or statue, the value of itself is not real. And it is relatively simple to falsify, so there is such a saying.

  4. solid gold jewelry wholesale usa The gold in the stomach is not gold. This is very interesting, I think this is contradictory. If you are hungry, your stomach will be fine. If you sell gold in exchange for food purchase, you can get it. You know, gold is very valuable. As long as you take out a piece of sale, you can keep your full -year full year. Why is gold not gold when fasting?

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