wholesale hip hop bling jewelry What kind of diamond ring to buy has room for appreciation, find a brand that recommends diamond ring

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5 thoughts on “wholesale hip hop bling jewelry What kind of diamond ring to buy has room for appreciation, find a brand that recommends diamond ring”

  1. 14k gold body jewelry wholesale There are two questions about your question ① What diamond ring to buy? There is room for appreciation?
    ② Seeking a brand of a diamond ring?
    ① At present, in the market, I think you can divide the diamond ring into two parts, one is diamond, and the other is the precepts.
    . Diamond
    . Diamonds are concerned about whether there is room for appreciation according to its own quality. Then his own quality has 4 aspects, weight, cutting, clarity, and color, that is, the 4C that merchants often hang on their mouths. Then, it is important to clarify that a concept 4C is important. Do not be misleaded by the merchant to a C. Then your requirements are room for appreciation. Diamonds that are currently appreciated are generally large particles, so the minimum collection weight requires more than 1CT (here is the standard for convenient circulation); The standard of cutting in the middle, if the merchant does not even know this, then change the home); the clarity vs2 or higher (don't believe that some merchants SI -level naked eyes are not visible, the SI may not be a natural parcel, it may be a feather cracking. This kind of crack is a great impact on the quality of diamonds and VS2 or above is basically no such cracks); color f color or higher (this evaluation level is for nude stones, and diamonds lower than this level of diamonds are collected and they are collected by this level. It doesn't make much sense, the color can be up to 20%in the price of diamonds); in addition, it is necessary to say another mouth, the whole diamond is better without fluorescence. It's so good to buy without fluorescence.
    PS: (If it is not used here, but as a wedding ring, you can reduce the weight to 0.5ct. This weight can already produce the value -preserving effect, but it may be slightly difficult if the final shot.)
    two two two. , Care
    It, just to protect the auxiliary tool of the diamond on it. Basically, you can ignore it in the face of the price of the diamond. Gold, which is about 1500-2500 yuan, is basically transparent. In other words, its appreciation is floating up and down with platinum prices or other metals, so its appreciation space is minimal.
    Summary: After reading the above, I think you should have a clear understanding of the ring in your heart, so in the summary, you should say a word: optimistic about the quality of your diamond, ensure that 4C is above the standard I said, basically basically, basically basically, basically, basically, basically the standard I said. It is said that it can be shot at any time, and inlaid metals can not be considered without the subject.
    ② the brand of diamond ring
    I do n’t recommend any brand to you here, but if you want to buy diamonds with higher transparency, it is recommended to go to some e -commerce physical stores. For example, small diamonds Birds and Kolan diamonds, of course, there will be salesmen who recommend you to buy some small particles of diamonds, but if you are considering the investment perspective, you will adhere to the criteria given to me. If you reduce the standard, if you are lower than 0.3CT, the clarity standard can also be reduced.
    This answers can help you.

  2. wholesale laser cut wood jewelry Few people want second -hand diamond ring, love does not like second -hand goods, love is the only one.
    In investment, want to appreciate? Buy naked drills! Of course, there are more than 50 points to about 1 carat, so that the investment value is good. No matter how small it is, it is meaningless.
    Is for the brand, just buy your well -known local brand jewelry.

  3. bulk wholesale jewelry boxes If it is an investment, it is best to buy naked diamonds. If you buy more than 1 carat, you will have investment significance. It is useless if you are small. Remember to sell 1.28 million diamonds in Shenzhen last year, refreshing the Internet personal online shopping Records, the woman who bought diamonds is used to invest, coupled with the identity of your investment, I think it is more advantageous to buy diamond prices online. If you buy diamonds in physical stores, you ca n’t draw a little! You can go to Davini, a diamond bird or something!

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