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  1. carpe diem jewelry wholesale If a string collapses too tightly, one day will break; if a heart is imprisoned for too long, one day will lose balance. We need to let go of the soul and let the soul soar in the free sky.

    The tour of Yunnan was planned in early September, mainly for our hard work. At the beginning of September, personnel invitations and confirmations began to make itinerary, and the tickets and hotels were scheduled for National Day. And I, as an overtime dog, can answer the tube or not, and the others are arranged clearly. Of course, this time I also deliberately not to see the strategy and travel notes. On the one hand, my friends who peers are very reliable. These things have been done. On the other hand, I want to experience the amazing stunning of the first encounter.

    The September of September, the order belongs to Sanqiu, and it is time to celebrate the country again. Everyone packed my luggage very well, and we met in Guangzhou as planned. Yes, the sky is clear, Huifeng and Chang. I went straight to the Guanzi's house to help him raise your luggage. Everything was performed according to the plan. At this time, Zhao Weijie and Zheng Bin who took the same bus. (Everyone in Shangri -La said hello to say Tashideler, expressing good luck. Bin Brother habitually called me Tashi Pengpeng. Later, according to Jie Ge's suggestion, we called him Bin Dele.) It was found that although it was taking the same bus, it was not connected in different cars.这时候我和管子忍不住就皮了那么一小下,在群里@他俩,管子哥按《乡愁》的格式给来了句:我们隔着个火车头,我在这头,你们在那head. Although they have never seen each other at this time, it doesn't matter. Anyway, everyone will be familiar with these days. So I followed the format of "Butu": I was on the front of the train, and Jun was at the end of the train. When Si Jun does not see Jun, he shared the train track. The next step is to enjoy the scenery along the way to Kunming and the last little partner.

    The we arrived at Kunming South Station at 9 o'clock in the evening. At the same time, another friend Liu Jing who came from Suzhou was just here. What is more embarrassing is that this cute young lady college is in the same majors as me, and I am still a Wusi roommate, but I don't know. After thinking about it, there are six people in the Wusi dormitory. I know others except Wusi. The six people in the station met. After a brief understanding of themselves, they went to the opposite square to pick up the car together, and then drove to the hotel that had been booked nearby. The young people were so simple and efficient.


    The weeks to travel north and south, because the normal routes are played from Kunming to Shangri-La. The next day we drove directly to Dali Erhai Lake. Dali City still made some articles around Erhai Lake. A lot of attractions and observation platforms were repaired. The most may be that the online celebrity punch cards created by the merchant were taken to take pictures -around the surroundings. There are some glass hanging baskets or off -road vehicles on the second or third floor of the house on the side of Erhai Lake. Take a picture of the lake backgrounds on the Internet in the direction of Erhai Lake. We are not interested in the Internet celebrities promoted by these merchants, but we still like the scenery of Erhai Lake. When walking around Erhai Lake, I randomly selected a few places to play and take pictures. There is also an episode, which is that I saw a mountain beside the road, the roads on it were winding and artistic, and then I proposed to go up and play, and overlooking the beautiful scenery of Erhai Lake from the way. Brother Guan Zi and me were interested, and the others also felt that it was okay, so I turned to the mountain right with one foot. The road was winding and twisting. After nine turns and eighteen bends, we drove to the military courtyard of the Military Region. It was extremely embarrassing. I could only reverse on the steep slopes with my superb reversing technology. Although we failed to reach the top of the mountain, we still saw a different scenery on the mountainside and the flowers and plants at the gate of others.

    . Our line planning is also a ring line, so when we come, we only go around Erhai Lake, and then drive to the ancient city of Lijiang. It was already more than eight o'clock in the ancient city, and we also went directly to the predetermined inn. The inn is on the side of the ancient city. The things were put down simply and cleaned up and everyone gathered to the ancient city. After all, the most charming thing in the ancient city was her night view. Of course, there must be a very important thing before playing, that is to eat! It is said that there have been no worries about eating in college for so many years, not to mention that there are two ladies and sisters blessing this time. Go directly to the number of spoons of the public comment, and then take the number of the collective activities that are common everywhere in the Great Heaven. This is a simple meal, a person's hand, this is the only one for our meal. Three hobbies of life: gourmet beauty beauty. However, I rarely shoot food beauties and only love to shoot scenery. There are a few pictures of Lijiang night scenes below.

    Yulong Snow Mountain

    It the next day we went to Yulong Snow Mountain, while the snow mountain glacier park tickets can only be booked on the same day. So the next morning we were awakened by the alarm clock to grab the ticket, but the ticket was second. I do n’t know if you are too powerful or the system background. We can only retreat and order the package of the yak flat zipper. After taking a break, everyone got up for breakfast, and then went straight to Yulong Snow Mountain Scenic Area. The air under the snowy mountains was fresh, the sun shines on the dew, and the breeze strokes everyone's face with the temperature of the snow mountain, making people sober.

    In the ticket to go up the mountain, take a total length of 600 meters, pass through some primitive deep forests to rose to Yakping Scenic Area at an altitude of 3800 meters. I did n’t see yaks on the yakping, but there were many wild grass and wild flowers. I only knew the front of the car. I felt like you like her. Yakping is also a holy place for photo. The altitude is high, the air is full of flowers and plants, and it is a wonderful position to watch the 13th peak of Yulong Snow Mountain.

    In Lanyue Valley

    The yakping ping continues to take the tourist car in the scenic area to go down the mountain to the next stop -Lanyue Valley. When I went up the mountain to the Blue Moon Valley on the car before, I thought that this blue was dyed or the blue tiles used at the bottom of the pool. Now she is close to her, and when she reached out and touched her, she saw her true face. So because of Baidu, it was known that this was naturally formed, mainly due to the melting of the mountains and snow in the mountains and the melting of the minerals. Lanyue Valley consists of 4 lakes, from top to bottom: Yuye Lake, Jingtan Lake, Lanyue Lake, Listening Lake. Four of them are different in color, each with their own characteristics, and they are all good places for taking pictures.

    The first Bay-Tiger Jumping Gorge

    It returned from Snow Mountain to the inn about eight o'clock in the evening. After discussing, Jie Ge and Bin Bin Deller went to the bar to meet, and the four of us continued to eat. This point of eating is very hot. Generally, we have made an appointment online. We don't know how to make an appointment on the spot. Waiting for the time to go to a teahouse to taste tea, and then brought some tea leaves. I forgot what the name of the restaurant is, which is the kind of hot pot and barbecue. As a result, the four of us did not finish eating.

    The originally planned to go to Lugu Lake the next day, but due to the distance from the distance and our time, we gave up this place. The same reason for the Miri Snow Mountain that was not completed later was also for the same reason. There are some little regrets, but I think there is regrets. If you are too successful, you will not have thoughts. So the next morning we drove directly to the first bay of the Yangtze River. There were various colors of Gesang flowers along the road along the way, which was very attractive. The Wanli Yangtze River came down from the "roof of the world" -the Qinghai -Tibet Plateau, and entered Yunnan in Batang County. Together with the Lancang River and Nu River, it went through the magnificent landscape of "three rivers" in the high mountains and deep valleys of the Hengduan Mountains. When I arrived at Shasongbi Village in Shangri -La County, a sudden rotation of more than 100 degrees and turning to the northeast suddenly came to the northeast, forming a rare "V" glyph -shaped bend. It is called the "Yangtze River First Bay" in the world. It is said that jumping into the Yellow River couldn't wash clearly, but here I think jumping into the Yangtze River may also be the same. At the side of the river, there is a drifting project. The slogan is: the first bay of the Yangtze River, there is no difficulty in life. At this time, Guan Zi asked with a joke and asked if he should be drifting. Everyone cooperated with it to say that life must be a bit difficult. In case you go, it is not easy to find it. We should not salvage the team.

    Since you do n’t play drift, it is to continue to go to the next destination after you can see these magnificent scenery. After the turbulent Jinsha River flowed through the first bay of the Yangtze River in Shigu Town, suddenly turned north to the north, squeezed from the gap between Haba Snow Mountain and Yulong Snow Mountain, forming the most spectacular Grand Canyon in the world. The place is the famous tiger jumping gorge landscape. According to legend, the tiger can step on a boulder in the river and skip the Jinsha River. The rivers are splitting the mountains, and the momentum is magnificent. On both sides of the canyon, the ax is cut, which is extremely steep and thrilling. If it falls here, it may not be done by the salvage team, even if the fishing comes up, you have to trouble the biological teacher to come and play with puzzles.

    It after leaving the Tiger Jumping Gorge, we walked into the ancient city of Dugong, Shangri -La, and passed through the Baishui Table Scenic Area. From the tiger jumping gorge to Baishuitai, all of them are all mountain roads. The natural scenery is beautiful and the scenery is charming. At the same time, it also tests psychological quality and car skills. Various Panshan Highway, people can't help but ask: How many mountains have just turned over? How many rivers have passed? At about 5 pm, we arrived at the Baishui Table Scenic Area and then entered the scenic spot to enjoy the beauty. After all, the ancient city of Shangri -La was far away and thrilling. The formation of the landscape of Baishuitai and the Blue Moon Valley is somewhat similar. They are formed by the melting of the mountains and the melting of the mountains.

    The Shika Snow Mountain-Pana Haiyira Grassland-Shili Huaxi

    Mi time after leaving the white water platform, it will be dark after a while, the landscape may still be charming, but we are She couldn't see her. There are very few cars on the mountain road at night. Occasionally, I feel very happy when I encounter a car. I remember a small truck driver waiting for us twice, so that when I caught up with him for the second time, I wanted to give him a Zhang Ailing -style greeting: Oh, are you here too? The biggest harvest of this night road should be that when we changed the driver on the road, I accidentally saw the stars of the sky. Due to the limited equipment, the scenery was not able to shoot the scenery. Due to the high altitude and thin air here, the stars are full of stars. If it wasn't for my own eyes, I always thought that the stars on the Internet were all synthetic. It was ten o'clock in the evening to arrive at the ancient city of Duke Zong. After simply packed up, we went to the No. 1 barbecue restaurant in the local area. This barbecue restaurant is also distinctive. It is baked in marble. The dishes are also local characteristics and taste pretty good. However, maybe everyone is too confident in their own food, and in the end we still waste food.

    The next day, Shika Snow Mountain. Departing in the morning, go straight to the snow mountain ticket to pick up the ticket, and then wait for the top 40 minutes of ropeway to the top of the mountain. Although the top of the mountain is 4,500 meters above sea level, there is no snow this season. What is even more uncomfortable is that even the sea of ​​flowers on tickets this season does not exist. It can be said that we have seen the plain face of Shika Snow Mountain. As for the appearance of her fine makeup, we can only go to the brain in the promotional articles. Since the snow mountain does not have the snow and sea of ​​flowers we expect, the tour is faster. After going down the mountain, everyone went to Pana Hirai Prairie to run into a steed and ran for a small meeting and went to Shili Huaxi to enjoy the flowers. The flowers in this season are mainly big wolf poisonous flowers, red and gorgeous, looking like a red carpet from a distance. Since it is called Huaxi, there must be a small stream except Hua. So we went around the stream to play. When we were near the stream, dozens of cows on the stream always stared at us together, which shivered me in an infrared jacket. In the end, in order to alleviate this embarrassing atmosphere, I was forced to take off my jacket before I was able to reach the stream to play with water and drift water. Dinner is a delicious Tibetan incense hot pot, which is sufficient, so we haven't finished eating it. There are events in the National Day of the ancient city of Dakong. When we come out to play, we are happy. We also go to fun. Seeing thousands of people in the square, the thousands of people jumped, and they entered the temple hundreds of people to push the Grand Merchants. This time we set a very distinctive family suite, and the halls and rooms have a look up to see the starry sky. When we went back at night, the four boys in the living room told the newly bought biological Pu'er about the interesting things of their work, lamenting the sweetness and bitterness of life.

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