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    Content preview Open the red velvet box.
    Thefitage diamond ring in the box is under the light, flashed.
    The mood of Chaoyang is like a diamond that exudes glittering in the light, clear and clear, with a hint of mysterious excitement and nervousness.
    has prepared for a year, and feels that he finally has enough ability to make the woman he loves get happiness.
    The chapter Chaoyang looked around the Western Restaurant. Most of the surrounding guests were paired. Occasionally, there were three or five people a table. It seemed that it was like a friend's party. He had to sit alone.
    , not long after, his favorite woman, he worked hard for it, and wanted to create a happy and beautiful future woman, he would push away the transparent glass door of the restaurant, and he came.
    The chapter Chaoyang smiled alone.
    The face of Chaoyang has a slightly light face, deep eyes, straight nose, and resolute chin, but when he laughed, it seemed like a touch of sun, breaking the clouds, making him a faint one with a faint one. The melancholy face suddenly became bright.
    The female classmates joked, Zhang Chaoyang, you are like Liang Chaowei.
    . She was listening to it, and she smiled so loudly, and then hugged his arm, very proud and proud.
    It chapter Chaoyang is immersed in the longing for the future happiness, then ...

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