The making process of paper handbag

Everyone in life whether it is shopping or going out, will hand a handbag, plastic handbag carrying heavy things not only the hand, may also be unable to withstand the pressure of heavy objects and crack, and paper handbag whether bearing or appearance are far better than plastic handbag, and paper handbag utilization rate is extremely high, so businesses prefer paper handbag, It is beautiful and elegant and the logo is clear. And how can such a delicate handbag be made in the printing house? Let paper bags wholesale tell you.

I. Design of drawings:

The design of the drawing is related to the key steps of the whole paper bag production process. Most paper bags are the representatives of the corporate image and the extension of the advertising product, so the layout design of the pattern and the selection of the handbag material are closely related to the use and effect of the paper bag.

Second, the choice of handbag material

Paper rigidity is good but toughness is poor, do paper bags need surface coating, kraft paper toughness is good, high strength but rough surface, and copper paper has a certain toughness, printed color is rich, but toughness is not good. Want good durability generally choose kraft paper, need rich gorgeous pattern effect of the general choice of copper paper, color and stiffness requirements suggest the choice of card paper.

Three, printing and coating:

Printing control the amount of ink and ink color adjustment. Laminating film is called post-printing plastic, post-printing film, laminating film is in fact on the surface of the printed matter covered with a layer of 0.012~0.020mm thick transparent plastic film, according to the use of different laminating material is divided into: matte film and highlighter film, why should the bag laminating film? I believe there will be a lot of people will have such a question, in fact, mainly because the film can increase the color concentration, the waterproof anti-fouling performance of the bag is good, the aging of the paper, tear resistance, resistance to poke greatly improved, especially the matte film gives a person a soft, high-grade, comfortable feeling.

Four, die cutting and bag paste box

Die cutting process is the die cutting knife and indentation knife on the printed matter die cutting and indentation, so that the prototype of a box comes out, the quality of die cutting directly affects the subsequent paper bag forming quality and manual paste box efficiency. The paste box basically depends on artificial completion, artificial adhesion, natural drying, and finally packing.

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