mann's wholesale jewelry houston Does anyone know the story about Viking Pirates? Intersection

mann's wholesale jewelry houston It is a story that occurred in England between 800 and 900 AD `` `` `

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  2. black wholesale companiesfor jewelry clothing oversize sunglasses The Middle Ages was a barbaric era. It not only refers to the withering of the humanities, but also the emerging country's force to fight for the former territory of the Roman Empire. The Celtics, Franks, Wanders, and Saxon people have established their own countries. Let's take a look at the national Viking living in the snow and ice.
    IV lived in Northern Europe more than 1,000 years ago, today's Norway, Denmark and Sweden. At that time, Europeans more called Northman, that is, visitors in the north. Viking is their self -proclaimed. In Nordic language, the word contains two meanings: first of all, travel, and then plunder. Their traces of their voyages are all over Europe, the Red Sea in the south, to North America in the west, and Baghdad in the east. But for the first time, they appeared in front of the local people to rob and plunder as pirates.
    It do not tell the achievements of archeology, we can learn about their lives from the stories that the Vikings themselves tell them. The earliest stories, history, and poetry were not written as words, but passed on generations through verbally. Until around 1100 AD, the Viking people living in Iceland had their own unique text, recorded on the animal skin, or on the wooden blocks, animal bones and stones. This kind of text consists of several simple curves, called Rune The earliest 26 letters, and later gradually evolved into 16. We can also find the Victorians from the records of the contemporary people. But some victims, such as monks in the monastery, are not objective.
    IV's social system includes three classes:
    jarl: prince, mostly lords, hereditary nobles;
    karl: Liberty, the main force of the army, the warrior class, the warrior class ;
    thralls: is the bottom slave.
    but this division is not absolute. A free man can become a slave. If he loses all his own place; a slave can also become a free man, and will be loyal to the owner, and you will get the opportunity to redeem.
    The regular meetings of nobles and liberals, deciding major events, and resolving disputes. They call this conference.
    The earliest time, the king was the largest noble. He made almost all major decisions, so that the tribal meeting was only responsible for some local affairs. However, in Iceland, because there is no king, the tribe conference decides everything, and the aristocrats and liberals of the island must participate, which are regularly held somewhere every year for two weeks.
    has read a book a long time ago. The Earths Children written by Jean Aule, at that time, was surprised how this aunt could write such a detailed prehistoric style (good book and good book! strong recommendation! !). The tribes in the book gather every two years to hold a place to open a conference to complete a series of festivals, trade, negotiation, and competition. I want to come to the Nordic tradition.
    The Victims to receive all the laws of the King and the Conference, which are well known to everyone. People who violate them will be expelled from the tribe, called Outlawed, which is not the meaning of green forest. This time the exile cannot cultivate any land and cannot accept the help of anyone. They can only live in the cave and live a life of hiding and stealing.
    Itizes live a family life, and the parents and son -in -law of the son, the grandparents, lived under the head of the eaves. They were loyal to each other, and a member of the family was bullied, and the whole family went to the tribe conference together to ask for justice. If a man is killed, his family will mostly ask for money or land compensation. If the tribal conference believes that they do have the power to make such a request, the murderer's family pays the compensation quickly, then everything is always; Members, so they reported that the endless revenge may become an additional tradition of the ancient family.
    I women's marriage to marry the whole family, but she has the right to choose one from the list. After her marriage, she also retained her previous property, and was responsible for taking care of the land at home when her husband went away. The divorce is very simple. The couple issued a statement in front of the notary to say the reason for their divorce. Some reasons seem ridiculous, for example, a husband complained that his wife is always wearing pants instead of skirts.
    The children live with their elders until they go out to join another family after they are adults. Prior to this, boys learned farming, combat skills and navigation, as well as tools and weapons manufacturing; women learned spinning woven fabrics and made butter and cheese.
    Most Viking people are usually professional farmers, and they live in the countryside. There is no concept of large town in the barren land. Only a few important ports such as York and Boca, and more Viking people live on small farms with their families. According to records or excavated sites, we can resume the houses of the year and find that almost all farms are the same. The main building is a long square house. Surprisingly, some independent huts will be added to act as a livestock bar and a hand workshop. The farmers make tools and weapons in the workshop.
    In the early long houses, there were only one or two rooms, and all members of the family worked and lived in a room. And mix with the breeding animals. Such a house is generally 20 meters long and 6 meters wide. The toilet is also a bathroom. Nordic people like to take steam baths. Facing to enter the door is a fire pond, the whole family cooks or heating is here. This room is also a storage room. Each wall is fixed with wooden benches, sitting during the day, sleeping at night, and various debris stacked underneath. There are one or two high -back chairs of each household. Only one master of one family is qualified to sit, or something particularly distinguished. Except for the king who has seen the world, Nordic pirates have no concept of bed.
    The dark and humid in the long house, without the floor, the mud is stepped on. There are few trees in the north, and the trees are rare, and the rocks are rare. Viking Wall walls use grass bricks, and mixed embryos that are about to be fired slightly. They are called Turf themselves. Keep warm. Some people use wooden boards to make a clip wall on the inside of the brick wall, and open a distance in the middle to prevent the wooden board from worsening. There are usually two doors in the long house, with few windows, which is really a simple hole. Windows that can be freely opened and closing are extra decoration for them. All the lighting comes from the door, and above the stove to discharge the small holes of cooking smoke. Night lighting is used for candles, but it is made of animal fats, and it can be imagined in an incompetent room.
    Women woven the spinning lines in the house. All clothes are made by family. The clever housewife will add more decoration. They woven wool or linen into lines and woven them into cloth. Different colors are dyed with vegetable juice. There are bright colors such as yellow, black, green, brown, blue, and red. The Vikings love this eye -catching. Finally cut the cloth into clothes. The whole process is complicated and long, so there are few clothes for everyone, and they have been worn for several years. In fact, as long as the clothes of the daily Vikings are comfortable, they do not pay attention to style. What fashion is on, so that their costumes have not changed at all in hundreds of years.
    The size of most farms is very small, relying on separate family operations. Larger farms need more labor, farmers can hire freelances without land or buy slaves. This ancient farming method has not changed so far: sowing seeds in spring, harvesting late autumn. Animals who cannot stay in winter were slaughtered when the most fatal time in autumn, and the meat was saved by smoking, waxy, and marinated. Another identity of farmers is pirates, plundering and farming. Pirates go out twice a year. After the spring sowing or autumn harvest, his wife will replace him at home. The climate in winter is always bad. The Nordic people hid in the house to repair tools, sewed clothes, nitrate animal skin, and prepared ships that go to sea next year.
    The garbage dumps of home furnishings and Viking people (still preserved very well ^^), revealing their diet structure. The staple foods of the Viking are mainly meat and fish. They raise pigs, chickens, goose, ducks, cattle, sheep, and get meat, milk, eggs, and occasionally hunting and fishing. They plant rye and barley for bread, use cabbage and onions as condiments, and there are garlic and clear. They drink beer with wooden cups or hollow beef horn, milk and a wine made with honey. Eat two meals a day as usual. It is breakfast around 8 am and dinner at about 8 pm. The whole family gathered together to cook with wooden pots and pans. Viking people eat with knives and spoons, but there is no fork.

    The culture
    Vever people believe in many gods, there are men and women, and different gods look at the different aspects of daily life. From time to time, they show their spirits everywhere, allowing appropriate things to happen at appropriate time and place.
    In old passes, the gods live in a place named Asgard, which is equivalent to heaven. There is naturally hell in the world, called Niflheim. The pirates firmly believe that if a man died gloriously, his soul could enter the god palace Valhalla, the god palace in heaven. If you are born for the soldiers, you are dying on the bed, then you will only be equipped with the prefecture.
    In starting from this point, the Viking people believe that people die is just traveling to another world. They pile a lot of funerals in the tomb of the deceased for flowers on the road. Have food and wear, all kinds of tools, all kinds of weapons. What's more, if the king or the great hero who died, they would bury the warships of the deceased during their lifetime, which is a very famous "pirate funeral".
    The Victorians believe that divinity is also buried in animals. Accordingly, they divide animals into good and evil. They believe that the existence of ghosts, Goblin and Troll also come from Viking Myth. The Vikings believe that some people can predict the future. They call these prophets a mantra (). These hermits live in the remote countryside and are supported by the four worshipers.
    The Nordic pirates like to listen to stories and poems. For a long time, they use this way to record history. Some people in each tribe specifically record this story and write new legends. It takes a long time to engrave these lengthy stories on the bones. The Vikings hid in the house in the long winter to tell the story of the father's circulation.
    Caria artists or binquets take everywhere, participate in three festivals each year, and also participate in weddings and banquets. This occasion always needs to sing and dance. Those who tell stories will get some form of gifts, rings or necklaces. Their stories may be a bit exaggerated for people today. Someone killed the big pig as big as the house; a housewife squeezed a thousand cows a day. The logic of the Vikings is this: the described achievements are not what they have done, but what they can do.
    It listening to the Viking's singing requires great guts and perseverance. After a Arab traveler had been to Denmark, "I have never heard such a scary roar. The voice, but there is no their slutty. "
    Thenians like to play text games. Their sand is full of composite words to refer to a certain kind of thing without mentioning the name directly. For example, swords are called combat seasonings. Such an analogy has confused archeologists in future generations for a long time. They also like to guess the puzzles. Exchange of various rises is an important part of culture, just like the jokes we saw from BBS today.
    It from his childhood, the Vikings have loved various competitive games. They are compared to test equestrian, weightlifting, rowing, sailing, and swimming. The annual tribal conference is also the Olympic Olympic in Nordic. The most enthusiastic movement is wrestling, and a empty venue is drawn. A pointed stone stone is placed in the center. The two sides of the game push each other to the stone.
    It, they are more than trying arrows, skiing, skating. All these games are to exercise stronger fighters. Even if the game hiding in the house in winter is the same. The chessboard game circulating from Arabia always revolves around offensive and defensive skills.
    Vi Jing people are powerful soldiers, and they have fewer people, so they have to rely on thorough planning and unexpected raids. In the battle, they performed unusual enthusiasm and were not afraid of death, so people talked about pirate changes.
    . Their assault is often divided into two verses: first throwing spear at long distances and launching rockets; and then using swords and tomahawks to make close breaks.
    When he met at sea, the pirates followed the ancient tradition, and the ship was tied together without a word. Take a springboard on the bow, and then go out in order. Everyone who embarked on the springboard faces such a fate: or kill the other party all of them, or die by himself, and revenge from the companion behind him. If you feel scared, you can turn around and jump into the sea. No one will pursue the deserter, but the person who gives up the qualifications of fighting is no different. From then on, even his family will ignore his existence.
    This is therefore the first to play in the bow, usually the most elite soldiers. They are naked in the battle with a rough roar and forgetting the smoothness of the battle. They knew that the springboard under his feet was soaked with the blood of his ancestors, and his offspring would fall in the same place. Angry made the Viking Pirates look powerful and appalling. This kind of warrior was called Berserker, a mad warrior. No one knows why, this primitive battle will inspire such amazing human nature, and the story of the mad warrior is passed down from generation to generation.
    This men who survived in the battle generously shared victory. The first king of the Vikings was Harold, nicknamed thin hair. The region he ruled was today's Norway. In a summer, he set off to fight the pirates who robbed his territory. The battle was too long, so that he had to spend the winter on Orkneys, northern Scotland). By the way, he occupied Scottish, Jilan and Haberi Islands.
    This in the second year of the opening of the Spring Brigade was going back to Norway. The king gave the new territory to Count Roganpad, because the count lost the only son in the expedition. Rogan Paid gave the territory to Count Gageld because he saved his life in the battle. Today, there is a harbor named after Gegeld.
    The trade
    The farm for Viking people has almost all daily necessities, from tools to clothing, living a self -sufficient life. Over time, people who are good at creating a certain equipment have gradually become a specialty craftsman. They opened shops everywhere, but the shops of the blacksmith are always on the side of the town because the stove is in danger of fire.
    The equipment produced by artisans has been decorated with more tools, weapons and jewelry. Viking's jewelery has a very complicated manufacturing process so far. The brooch is usually cast with white wax, silver or bronze, and polished, and it is inlaid with colorful stones or jewelry. Amber and dyed small stones can be made of necklaces. Black jade and turquoise are made into dice and chips for chess. The trapped cargo Lang Chongzhou hit the house, um, it should be the exquisite workmanship of the jewelry of Chongxiang hitting the county.
    Ito people maintain trade exchanges with many regions, and archaeologists have also found many products and coins in other regions from the tombs of Nordic in Nordic. However, they like silver even more. The merchants carry the balance with them and use silver blocks as a weight. Stone carvings and legends record their travel:
    In 860 AD, the Vikings followed by the Volga River came to Russia (the name was not called at that time). They made transactions with the local Slavs, from Norf Rodnan, along the river to Bordega, with slaves in exchange for honey and fur; Silk and spices.
    . Another trade route is to reach Kyiv along the Dieber River, enter the Black Sea, reach wine, silk and Istanbul, and sell exquisite jewelry. The Vikings are very good sailors and boatmen. Compared with, the ships in other countries cannot go to the sea, and the design is very bulky. Viking's ships are light, the hull is narrow, and the water is shallow. It can sail in all rivers in Europe.
    Itizi people built or repaired their ships in winter, usually built in open -air, and occasionally set up a shed. The hull and paddle are made of oak, and the mast can be bent in a moderate wind. First, process the naphta with the entire log to ensure the strength. The curved head and tail are processed separately, and then fixed to both ends of the keel with iron nails. Then on the beam on the keel, the outline of the entire ship was completed. Put the mask on both sides of the ship along the contour. The layer of the layer of the wooden board is just covered with the edge of the lower layer. The top layer of the upper layer was excavated with a few small holes, and the five -meter -long wooden paddle extended from the hole. Finally, spread the floor, rack the mast, and install a metal vane on the top of the mast.体 is installed on the right side of the back of the hull. The net prepared on both sides of the boat sails to prevent the sail from being torn in the strong wind. Such ships are the most common, about 20 meters in length.
    The sailors carry a small box with clothes and weapons. They sat on it when they were paddling, but they rarely scratched paddles, and they were good players. There is a cabin stored in each ship with food, which stores butter, cheese, beer, fresh water, meat, only fruit and dry chestnuts. There are also various cooking utensils, canal and ashore.
    . They wore a fur coat and slept on the boat and clothes. It can also cook on the boat, and use a box full of sand as a stove. At sea, they use the sun and the moon as the direction. When the weather is poor, a northern needle is also used, a simple magnetized iron piece.
    During the long journey of the Vikings, the boat was their home. The mast can be poured, and the sailing of the boat is a very good tent. The pirates even carried the ship with the heroes like Algo, from one river to the other. Because water transportation is more labor -saving, more people and equipment can be carried.
    The occasion that they could not take the boat, they rode on their horses, moving along the post road of the ancient Rome, or they went out in winter, and they could use skiing and skating. Make a ice knife with a whale bone, tied to the soles of the deer leather, and it becomes ice shoes. The sled can carry patients and old weakness, or a lot of equipment. Anyway, they hate walking because they are both slow and carrying heavy luggage.
    why the Viking people have been traveling, there are many ways to say that some people think that it is natural, and it is recognized that they are looking for the soil that can be cultivated. There is such an unwritten rule in Northern Europe. After the death of the family, the eldest son inherited the family business. Other sons must leave the elder brother and form a family by himself. In this way, with the growth of the population, the cultivated land that had not been used in Northern Europe was even more insufficient, so the Vikings were home to find a good place to open up farms.

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