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    "is good," said Bess.
    . She wanted to be surprised, but failed, because she decided to marry him when they were still in middle school. However, Danny kneeled on one knee in the restaurant to propose to her in the restaurant, which was still unexpected.
    "Okay." Bess repeated it, hoping that he could stop the knife and fork in his hand and stared at them before standing up. But he didn't move as soon as he moved, and kneeling on one knee like that, and then like a magician, he didn't know where to change a small box. He opened the box cover with a simple diamond gold ring in it. Although Beth had heard the diamond on the ring from his brother, he spent two months of salary for Danny, but he did not expect it would be so big.
    Finally, Danny finally stood up, but he immediately gave Beth an accident. He immediately began to make a call with his mobile phone, and Bess didn't need to know who the phone would be.
    "She promised me!" Danny said proudly. Bess looked at the diamond carefully at light, and a smile appeared on her face. "Come and celebrate with us!" Bess didn't have time to stop Danny from blurting out. "It's great, then meet in that bar on Fujethow! Last year we watched the one after the Chelsea team. Later ...

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