indian jewelry wholesale buffalo ny Professor Li Changyu was in a crisis, and the murder was questioned 35 years ago! Is Chinese detective mixed with water?

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    The people who like to watch detective stories, reasoning and suspense TV series, watching the police in the script, detective restore the storyline, and find clues to solve the case. The process of excitement. In order to make the image of detectives more full, many TV series will use some dramatic techniques, but does detectives really exist in real life?
    Speaking of detectives, people think of a person, that is Li Changyu, the first detective in China. His research methods make full use of modern science, coupled with his meticulous and persistent attitude, many strange cases were cracked. However, it was the reversal of the murder 35 years ago that Li Changyu was caught in a crisis of trust. What happened?
    Crossly opportunities to become "Detective"
    Li Changyu Born in 1938 and was from Rugao, Jiangsu. His family was originally rich, but because of his father's absence of sea, the accidents became declining. This allows mothers to have 13 children, and life is very difficult. Fortunately, these 13 brothers and sisters are very hard -working, and those who know them know that later 13 siblings have achieved amazing achievements in their respective fields. Every child can be called a dragon and phoenix in the man, and the mother is very proud of it.
    18 -year -old Li Changyu successfully admitted to Ocean University, but he accidentally found that the Central Police School was also recruiting. At that time, this school could not only be exempted from tuition, but also had certain subsidies in life. This made Li Changyu very happy that his family was not very good, so he chose to go to the Central Police School. On the one hand, he reduced the burden on the family. On the other hand, he didn't have to worry about finding a job after graduation. After entering the school, he made great efforts in his studies, and his grades were naturally excellent. After graduation, he successfully became a sheriff.
    1964 Li Changyu chose to go to the United States to stay in school. During the study abroad, he spent half of his time to complete all the courses he learned and obtained a master's degree in a master's and doctoral degree. After the education of the education, Li Changyu chose to work in a criminal appraisal institution. The main responsibility was: criminal experiments and appraisal. He almost used all his homes to invest in these experimental equipment, and even won the qualifications of international standards, and can undertake major cases of countries around the world. From the beginning of the case, according to the data, more than 300 cases are cracked every year, which is really shocking.
    The case of Li Changyu's case cracked efficiency, and general institutions could not compare with him at all. In the case he cracked, the most memorable thing is the case of broken wooden machine. This was a husband who killed his wife, then crushed the corpse with a broken wooden machine, and then threw it into the river to clean the broken wooden machine. Evidence is extremely important for criminal cases. Li Changyu spent a few days and nights before finding evidence in the river, and finally the criminals were convicted. There are also many cases of such cases such as: Public Security Director Killing Wife, 13 -year -old girls, etc. These cases have made Li Changyu a "detective" status.
    The case of injustice was questioned
    Li Changyu was called "Holmes in reality", which was very admired. However, a case before 35 began to be questioned. This incident happened in 1985. In a small town in the United States, an old man's body was found. This corpse has obvious traces of beatings. The old man died due to the 27 knives in his body, and the case was relatively smooth. At that time, the police had locked the murderer to the two young people in the town. Because the two of them have nothing to do with their love, and they are considered to be the murderer of the case, the probability is naturally very high.
    The day when the old man's body was discovered, the two of them looked panicked, and they were nervous when they saw the police, so they were taken away by the police away. The blood of the elderly at the crime was full of blood, but the two young people who had been taken away by the police had no blood on their bodies. The police sent someone to search for the two people's house without finding any traces of crime.
    So there was no direct evidence to prove that the two were murderers, and the case was frozen. The police had to find Li Changyu to investigate. During the investigation, Li Changyu found a towel in the bathroom of the elderly, with unknown objects on it. Li Changyu explained that it was the blood of the elderly. Therefore, the police accused the two young people killed the elderly and wiped the blood on the body and fled the scene.
    The two young people are very wronged about this allegations and have been defending themselves loudly, but the judge accepted the police statement and sentenced them to more than 50 years of punishment. No one noticed, what the two young people said, so the case was resolved.
    However, after 35 years, the two young people appealed again, opposing unknown objects on the towel, thinking that it was not blood at all. The test results are not blood -like. Therefore, the court released the two men and publicly criticized Li Changyu, saying that Li Changyu did not carefully check the items on the towel, and submitted evidence, which caused the court to make a wrong judgment.
    The reputation disappeared, caught in the sound of scolding
    . Li Changyu suddenly fell into the American scolding, saying that it was due to his mistakes, which led to the 35 -year -old Guangyin of the two young people. In prison, in prison, in prison Over, this cannot be made up for anything. It was even said that Li Changyu was not tested by bribes. For a while, Li Changyu's reputation was greatly affected. At the time of public opinion, the other two cases of the cases also participated in the allegations that their parties were also wronged, which were caused by the perjury provided by Li Changyu, which made people even more believe. After
    , Li Changyu also made his own explanation, and he insisted that it was blood on the towel. However, Li Changyu is just a testing agency and can only provide evidence for inspection of the evidence, but the specific restoration and detection of the case are still what a police officer wants to do. If the real evidence is false, why can such a big problem in 35 years still be reserved? If it is fake, isn't such a loophole, isn't it for yourself? Why wait until 35 years before re -judging this issue?
    In conclusion
    The appeal of these two young people can not be re -judged 35 years later. So, is it really Li Changyu who did it wrong? Is there no problem with the police and courts? Of course, this is just our guess, after all, we are not the parties.
    If the truth of the matter, as Li Changyu insisted, then at least he did what he should do. If things are really not done by him, then the matter is right or wrong about this matter. These judgments are determined by others, and as long as you have a well -deserved conscience, there is nothing wrong.

  2. posh jewelry wholesale Li Changyu, a Chinese detective ability who is well -thoughty, is superb, is good at combining his thinking ability with modern science, is the leader of the detective world. His perfect detective skills and meticulous execution ability have also made him detect a lot of bizarre cases.
    This has seen several major global cases, such as Kennedy's killing case, Nixon's "water gate incident", Clinton peach color case, American rugby star Simpson's wife, and forensic investigation of the Yugoslav race massacre. Li Changyu is hailed as "contemporary Holmes", "Master of Forensic Syndrome", "Scientific Detective" and "Criminal Near Star" is a well -known overseas Chinese. The attention of the world's police community is also the pride of Chinese people all over the world. It is also an expert in hiring lectures.

    The Li Changyu can quickly appear on the throne of the top authority of the international criminal scientific analysis community and win the respect and high trust of the two parties, defense, courts, judges, people and other parties. The key lies in him. The laboratory hosted, insisting that the homework is completely independent, the identification results are definitely not affected by the investigation direction of the superior department, and the responsibility system is reported directly to the state police director to achieve the independence and fairness of criminal appraisal.

    but there are such a case of 35 years ago, and it has recently surfaced again. It is precisely because of this case that Li Changyu, who has the name of "Chinese Detective", directly pulls off the altar.
    It in the town of New Milford, Connecticut, the United States, an old man's body appeared. The external traces of the corpse clearly showed that the elderly were beaten violently before his lifetime, and he was even 27 knives. The case was valued by the local police officer, so the case was developed very quickly, and finally the scope was locked to the two local young people. However, there are no blood stains in the two young people, so this also shows that there is no powerful evidence that can prove that the two young people have made.
    Li Changyu found a bloody towel in the bathroom. Li Changyu pointed out that the blood on the towel was the old man. The reason for the reasoning was: after the young man killed the old man, wiped his body with this towel and escaped the scene of the incident. After the police got the so -called evidence, they immediately detained the two young people, and the two young people obviously did not understand and protested loudly about their allegations. However, the police did not consider their testimony after all. In the end The case was temporarily put for a while.

    35 years after, the two young people have reached the age of vicissitudes. After being released from prison, they appealed again and thought that the unknown objects on the towel were not blood. Later, under the proof of multiple parties, it showed that the towel was really not blood! The court released the two men and publicly criticized Li Changyu, saying that Li Changyu submitted evidence that the court made a wrong judgment without carefully checking the items on the towel.
    Li Changyu also made his own explanation, and he insisted that it was blood on the towel. Li Changyu can only provide evidence of inspection of the evidence, but the specific restoration and detection of the case are still what a police officer wants to do.

  3. wholesale jewelry alabama Professor Li Changyu is careful and is good at combining his thinking ability with modern science. Therefore, whether he is a Chinese detective mixed water, I personally think that it is not. Li Changyu has learned several major global cases. ", Clinton peach color case, etc., is enough to show how strong his ability to solve the case!

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  5. wholesale hiphop jewelry from china It should be mixed with water, because the corpse of the elderly is obviously a trace of fighting. The cause of the death is that the 27 swords in the body died, and the target was directly locking. Blood, after 35 years, the two people filed an appeal to find out that the unknown objects on the towel were not blood, and once again doubted Li Changyu.

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