flea market jewelry wholesale Hello, I would like to ask some information about the clothing factory of Wuhan Jiahai Industrial Park, because I want to open Taobao and find the source. thanks

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2 thoughts on “flea market jewelry wholesale Hello, I would like to ask some information about the clothing factory of Wuhan Jiahai Industrial Park, because I want to open Taobao and find the source. thanks”

  1. wholesale unique jewelry displays Is the "Huangpi Fire Brigade" want to settle or disturb the people?

    On the morning of December 16, 2010, Ma Xuming, deputy mayor of Wuhan City, Deng Zeshun, deputy director of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Ning Guanfa, Division of the Fire Detachment Division, Liu Mingzhu, Political Commissar, Deputy Branch Wu Jingchuan, Qiao Hanlin and other leaders In the lower temperature, the low temperature and cold and cold have penetrated into the small clothing production workshop in Changfeng Township, Luankou District ...
    In Changfeng Township, Changfeng District, Vice Mayor Ma checked the "three -in -one" clothing processing plant here and asked The fire safety status in the area. At the sword brand clothing processing plant at No. 519, Changfeng Village, Deputy Mayor Ma checked the workers' mastery of the use of fire extinguishers. When a worker could use the fire extinguisher very skilled, Deputy Mayor Ma claimed to praise and praised him and praised him, and he praised him and praised him and praised him and praised him and praised him and praised him and praised him and praised him and praised him and praised him. He asked him to teach the fire extinguishing skills to the new employees. In response to the fire safety status of Changfeng Township, Deputy Mayor Ma's request to conduct in -depth investigation and rectification, eliminate the hidden fire hazards, and based on existing conditions, make every effort to do a good job of fire safety work to ensure the safety of small processing enterprises in Changfeng Township. "
    Wen mayor's mayor is dealt with, and then look at the sweeping of the Huangpi Fire Brigade in Jiahai Industrial Park:
    2010 in the second half of the year, the fire brigade cooperates with the industrial and commercial, national tax, public security and other departments It was inspected in the industrial park from house to the house. The conclusion was that more than 90%of the "three -in -one" clothing processing plant in Jiahai Industrial Park was unqualified. The workers began to be frightened, and they were always "scorched, the people couldn't talk about the people, and they couldn't sleep at night." Some clothing factories were forced to pull the power outage for half a month. When it was not too prosperous, it was the golden season for processing cotton clothes. The boss expected to make a turn over this season to make up for the previous debts. Two months sprint more to make more money to deal with the soaring eyes on the rural hometown. However, all expectations will be extinguished by a paper that "pulls out power" in the Huangpi Fire Brigade! In the Spring Festival in 2011, there was tears, and the whole factory's clothing processing equipment was transferred at a low price, leaving this Jiahai Industrial Park, which has a gorgeous appearance but is always known as the "Small and Medium Enterprise House". At the 16th of the first month of the year, the 41 "three -in -one" clothing factory of Jiahai Industrial Park was "black" again! No one took care of the feelings of these small business bosses, no one took care of the new year, and his wife ion was far away. The feelings of working in other countryside, no one takes into account the life and death of the company of Jiahai Industrial Park! Some are just crying by the cold heart of the owner of the power -to -off company, the grievances of the employee of the factory, and the uneasy of being temporarily not yet being pulled up ... ! ! R N media newspapers have already reported the social status of the serious shortage of clothing technicians. I believe that every employee who is engaged in the production of Hanzheng Street, the owner of Hanzheng Street who is engaged in clothing processing, has paid the hardships and efforts that the bystanders can imagine. Sometimes, sometimes For a group of workers' bosses, they can even be "tens of cottage" ... There is no financial appropriation support for the country, no government tax control reduction and exemption, and the old generation of Hanzheng Street uses ten times or even dozens of times of hard work and wisdom and hard work. After laying a piece of rivers and mountains, it created a company. Based on the roots, the spirit of developing Chinese clothing, making bigger and strengthening the family and prosperity. The Hankong Industrial Park in Panlong City, Huangpi District, Panlong City, Panlong City. Compared with the contrast between Jiahai Industrial Park and Hanzheng Industrial Park today, the treatment is definitely different. I don't want to comment on anything. The following points are questioned:
    1: Since Jiahai Industrial Park is a small and medium -sized enterprise home for Hanzheng Street clothing enterprises, it can get strong support and help from the government. The "three -in -one" model of these clothing companies, including government leaders, also praise the Jiahai Industrial Park, and vigorously preach it as the largest and most complete corporate city in China. Small and medium -sized entrepreneurs in the country settled down. What a funny and ridiculous conclusion of 300 companies and 270 firefighters. I would like to ask our Huangpi District Government, do you want to get political achievements, or do you have to "close the door"?
    2: Huangpi District Fire Brigade, when you are full of wine, pull the siren in Jiahai Industrial Park, "hitting, whistling passing by, pulling power out of power", do you think about you yourself The quality of the national armed police officers and soldiers. When did you teach the use of fire extinguishers in various enterprises? When did you check the function of fire protection facilities? When can you really serve the people, rather than "the enemy" with the people? On September 15, 2010, a fire in the rubber factory in Jiahai Industrial Park caused a severe consequences of two deaths. Where did the water sprayed automatically sprayed at the time? Where did the water go to the fire pipeline? Why don't you ask the local government and detain the responsible person of closing the fire to the water valve! Afterwards, you solve the problem in a word, "The owner's boss has been doing it in the past few years!" The rubber factory should not be the "three -in -one" model!
    3: Huangpi Fire Brigade, when you are mandatory to ask all employees within the enterprises to move away from the factory area, you can think that there are nearly 400 companies and more than 30,000 practitioners here! Can the Jiahai Industrial Park and the surrounding are arranged to evacuate so many people? Let these people sleep on the road, I think one of them should be able to spread from Jiahai Industrial Park to Hankou North wholesale market. You might as well seal the office building of the Jiahai boss Yuan Shengyou. Because of his development and decision -making, more than 90%of the factory buildings of Jiahai Industrial Park are "three -in -one". To be held accountable, I will give you a suggestion as the bottom citizen and taxpayer in China. All the leaders who have visited and appreciated the industrial park should be caught by you, because their responsibilities are to serve the people. Why they do n’t have your foresight, they dare to open one eye and close one eye to the “three -in -one” Xu Jiahai Industrial Park!
    did indeed on November 17, 2011, Wuhan City, located in a three -story building in Hongkang Industrial, Wusheng Road, Laoukou District, a fire occurred. A alarm clock, but this is "natural disasters and human disasters". The final conclusion of the survey is not caused by three in one, but the narrow dense and dense clothing of the streets, crowded houses, and aging of the wires. The illegal building is separated from the dead alley or "halfway", and there are many hidden safety hazards.
    This does not seem to exist in Jiahai Industrial Park. Why do the Huangpi Fire Brigade want to set up Jiahai Industrial Park to die? The reason is very simple. The factories here are bought by entrepreneurs. You have money, and you do n’t have the heart to kill a few BMWs. It makes you a rich brother who usually “跩”. Do not kneel down. Lao Tzu pulls your gate, breaks your electricity, stop your water, close your business, ruin you, kill you! Captain Xiong, Uncle Xiong, Captain Hu, and Deputy Dad, do you dare to go to Shiqiao's clothing nest and Changfeng Gutian's real "three -in -one" clothing factory to sweep, do you dare to pull the gate? You reply to the old man in a word: You can't control the master in the cross -zone, and the alley is too narrow.
    In strong calling on the government department to interfere with the brutal law enforcement of the Huangpi Fire Brigade, and strongly ask Jiahai Group to protect the legal interests of each owner! .........
    Just blame for us to make a statement that people are noticeable!

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