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    First choose the male/heroine, your opponent will be the opposite of your gender. After giving the protagonist's good name, you can enter the Fangyuan area.

    First of all, you will appear in a small truck in Tianyuan Town. After getting off the car, your mother asked you to go upstairs to adjust the clock. After adjusting, my mother said that the doctor was here and asked you to find him. When you come to the room next door, go upstairs to investigate a elves, and your opponent will appear. After the dialogue, when I walked out of the house and left Tianyuan Town, I found that the doctor was chased by a needle mouse. He asked you to choose a PM in the backpack next to him to participate in the battle and rush away.

    no.001 grass lizard grass system
    NO.004 Little turkey fire system
    no.006 small water dog water system
    (Note: opponents will choose to restrain you in attributes The elves.)

    After running the needle rat, the doctor will give you the elves you choose, and you want you to go to the road 103 to find his child, that is, your opponent. Through the road 101, it is Daosi Town. There is a big sister in the room on the right. Above Daoji Town is the road No. 103. After defeating the opponent there, he returns to the institute of Tianyuan Town. The doctor will send you a picture book, and the opponent will also give you 5 elves. After leaving the institute, my mother will also send you running shoes, and then you can press the B key when you move forward at 2 times the speed.

    In the road 102 to Tianyuan City, first go to the training hall above. The owner of the museum is your father. When the conversation, there will be a green -haired boy named Taofu. After helping him catch the beast, my dad will tell you that you will collect 4 badges and come here to challenge. Leaving Tianyuan City, I found an unmanned room on the 104th road, ignored him, and continued. Above the road 104 is the Tianyuan Forest. On the way, he would meet a staff member of Tianli Company, and he was intercepted by a soldier of the water regiment. After defeating the soldier, you will get a super ball. Walk out of the forest, or road 104. In a room here, you can get a fertile whale can be obtained. Continue to move forward and arrive in Jinshui City.

    The following is the information of the Jinshui City Training Museum:
    rock system training hall
    no.074 small boxing stone 12
    no.074 small boxing stone 12
    NO.299 Magnetic Monster 15

    In out of the training hall, you will meet the staff and soldiers just now. After getting forward to the dialogue, walk to the road No. 116. There was a tunnel on the far right, and an old man said that his little seagull was snatched by the people of the water regiment. After entering, you will see the soldiers and seagulls just now. After defeating him, you will get a super ball. After returning the small seagull to the old man, you can return to Jinshui City. Finding the staff just now, he will take you to Tianli to find his BOSS, BOSS will send you a navigation machine, and you will also give you a letter to those who are in Shanmu Town. After that, he will encounter an opponent below Jinshui City, and he will challenge you.

    The unmanned hut returning to the Tianyuan Forest. Talk to the old man just now, he will send you to Shanmu Town.

    The following is the information of Shanmu Town Training Hall:
    Fighting system training hall
    no.066 wrist power 16
    no.307 level 16
    no .296 Boxing Rabbit 19

    This to the northwest after the challenge is completed. There is a cave. After entering, talk to the miners inside to get a secret passage 05 flash. You need to use flash in the cave. After the generation can be found in the depths, you will get a move 47 steel wing after the letter is given to him. After that, if you return to Tianli Company to find the BOSS, you will get a learning device. Go to the old man again, he will send you to Kayi City.

    has just arrived at Kayi City, and you will find that there are many people in front of the aquarium. After talking to an old man on the second floor of the shipyard below, you can enter the aquarium. After defeating two soldiers on the second floor, you can leave Kayi City.

    will encounter opponents on roads No. 110. The following is the opponent's information:
    Small seagull
    n After defeating him, you can get a treasure detector. Continue to reach the silver leaf market. You will meet Dao in front of the training hall, and you can enter the training hall after the battle with him.
    The following is the information of Dao Fu:
    This beast 16

    The following is the information of the Silver Leaf City Training Museum:
    Level 20 level
    no.309 Disease Dog Grade 20
    no.082 Tri -in -one Magnetic 22
    NO.310 Electric Dog 24
    n is on the right side of the elves center A bicycle can be obtained in the room. There are two types of fast bicycles and jumping bicycles. They have different functions, which can be changed at any time. In the room in the lower right corner, you can get a secret transmission machine 06 broken rock. Go left is the road No. 117. There is a breeding house here, which can be placed here to give birth to eggs. Continue to move to Xida Town.

    The tunnel above Xida Town. After the rocks on the road are split with broken rocks, you can get a secret passage 04 strange power. Back to Yinye City, go up to the road No. 111, there is a racing tower here, and it is the desert area above. Go right, there is a shortcut on the road 112, and after walking, I found that I had passed through the desert. Continue to move forward, pass through the road No. 113 and come to Harji Town.

    The on the left of Hagi Town is the road 114, and the progress will reach the meteor waterfall. Those who encounter the water regiment and lava ball in the meteor waterfall. After the conversation, they learned that they were competing for a fossil. Then return to the road No. 112, there is a cable car next to the shortcut of the fire, and you can reach the top of the bumps on the top of the bump. After defeating the leader of the lava regiment, he can get fossils. After that, Hohhhhh Town will give the fossil to the researcher in the Meteor Waterfall.
    The following is the information of the leader of the lava regiment:
    G level 24
    level 24 level of volcanic camel
    level 24 level
    n Go to Feiyin Town.
    The following is the information of the Feiyin Town Training Hall:
    The fire system training hall
    no.218 Shellless snail 24 level
    no.322 Desert camel level 24
    no.323 volcano volcano Camel 26 level
    no.324 volcanic turtle level 29

    will encounter opponents when walking out of the training hall. He will give you a prop to avoid sandstorms, and you can go to the desert in the future. (Note: There is a sometimes unreal tower in the desert, which can be picked up in it.) Now it has been collected enough 4 badges, returned to Tianyuan City and challenged his father.
    The following is the information of the Tianyuan City Training Hall:
    The general system training hall
    no.327 circle rabbit 27
    no.264 jacket 29 level
    no.288 violent violent Monkey level 27
    no.289 Gorilla level 31

    In defeating his father, Dao Fu's father will appear and send you a secret passage 03 surfing. At the same time, the old man who opened the boat before was also returning home. Go to Yinye City and use surfing on the right to road 118, and you will encounter generations here. Going up is road 119. There are high grass here, and you can only walk. At the top of the road No. 119, there is a meteorological table, which is occupied by the water regiment.

    In the defeat of the BOSS on the second floor, the director of the Meteorological Observatory will send you a weather boy.
    The following is the small head of the water regiment:
    three -color shark level 28
    G level 28

    , The following is the information of the opponent:
    On the shellless snail level 29
    This Tongzi 29
    The grass lizard level 31 r
    Flying. Continue to come in to Richuan City. I do n’t know what to block in front of the training hall of Richuan City, and I ca n’t go in, so I have to continue to rush.

    In on the bridge on the 120 road, he will encounter an agency again. He tells you that the transparent thing is changing, and give you a bottle of spray that can make the stealth dragon showing the body. Let you defeat the previous stealth dragon (level 30). Back to Richigawa City, you can use the spray in front of the training hall to use the spray.
    The following is the information of the Richikawa Training Hall:
    In flight training hall
    no.333 Caimyunbi level 29
    no.357 tropical Leelong level 29
    no.279 Seagull seagulls Level 30
    no.227 Steel Bird Level 31
    no.334 Big Hibari 33

    continues to move forward. Later, it was found that the city had been occupied by the water regiment. You will see your opponent in front of the department store at the top of the department store. Here you can play the last game before the league competition with your opponent. The following is the information of the opponent:
    Banana Leaf Dragon level 31

    Glass 32 of Seagulls
    Graduate Lizard 34

    After defeating him, he flew home. On the far right of Anta, it was found that the entrance was blocked by Feibo whales. From the small troops of the water regiment, it was learned that the lava regiment was overturned to the sunset. Use surfing on the 121st road to the waterway No. 122. The small island in the middle of the waterway is both a sunset. Those who go up the mountain to defeat the lava group.

    The back to Abuta City, I asked the abnormal phenomenon in the bumpy mountain through the gossip, and immediately flew to Feiyin Town and took the cable car up the mountain. Going up to the top of the mountain, there will be a earthquake, and then a cave will appear on the mountainside, which is the secret base of the lava ball. When I met the leader of the lava group in the depths, Gulaton was there. After the dialogue, you must fight with the leader. The following is the information of the leader of the lava group:
    Gram 37
    black bat 38
    Gladon escaped, and the leader of the lava group left.

    In the fly to Kayi City, and found that the submarine was stolen by the water regiment in the shipyard above the shipyard. Flying back to Abuta City, you can enter the secret base of the water regiment in the water in the upper right area. The leader of the water regiment in the depths has been fled with a submarine. In addition, a master ball can be picked up in this base. Leaving the secret base and passing the right of No. 124 and 125 to the right, you can come to Daogu City.
    The following is the information of the Daogu City Training Museum:
    Super Power Training Museum (2 VS 2 mode)
    no.278 Natural Birds 41 level 41 and three -in -one puppet 41 r r r r r r
    no.337 July God Stone 42 level and No. 338 Sun God Stone 42

    The on the right side of Daogu City, which is occupied by the lava group. When you come to the second floor, you are wrapped up by a small leader and a leader when you are in modern times. You can fight with the back team. Each person can use 3 elves.
    The following is the data of the lava group:
    The volcanic camel 36 level and evil dog 42 level
    volcanic camel 44 level Big mouth bat level 40
    black bat 43 And evil dog dog Level 38

    The following is the information after generation:
    no.375 Double arm grace 42
    no.227 steel bird 43
    no.306 steel armor dragon 44 44 44 Level

    Is who defeat the lava ball, go to the room in the upper left corner of Daogu City, and you will send you a secret passage 08 diving after generation. Leaving Daogu City, diving on the waterway No. 127, walking down in the water, entering a cave, and finding that the submarine is here. After going ashore, the people of the water regiment on the road came to the depths, encountered the leader of the water group, and the sea emperor teeth. After the dialogue, we must fight with the leader of the water group. The following is the information of the leader of the water group:
    Themodia dog 41
    black bat level 41
    n After returning, the Emperor's teeth slipped away, and the leader left. After leaving the cave, after going ashore, the weather was changing, and the leaders and generations of the two regiments would be encountered.

    This to road 126, use diving, and float in the middle to reach Shuanglu. Gladon and Neptune are fighting here. Dialogue with the post -generation, he will let you enter the Awakening Temple. Find Wallace deep in the depths of Awaken Temple. After the conversation, he asked you to go to Tianzhu to find him. Leave Shuanglu City, swim to the waterway 131, and turn up in the middle of the waterway to reach Tianzhu. After encountering the sky dragon on the top of the sky pillar, you can fly to Shuanglu City.

    It returned to Shuanglu City. After the dragon of the sky resolves the disaster, you can get the secret passage 07 ascending the waterfall, and then you can go to the training hall.
    In the information of the Temple Shuanglu City Training Museum below:
    The water system training hall
    no.370 Heart -shaped fish level 41
    no.364 Grade 43
    no.340 earthquake earthquake Level 41
    NO.342 Steel Dipper Crab 43
    no.230 Sea Malaysia 46 level
    n can reach the championship road in front of the Elf Alliance on the waterway 128, Here we need to use secrets 03, 04, 05, 06, 07 to pass. On the 1st floor of the championship road, I will meet Dao Fu. The following is the information of Dao Fu:
    Grand Hibari level 44
    Super Energy Queen 45
    three -in -one magnetic monsters 41

    In the road to the championship and arrived at the Elf Alliance. The gatekeeper can open the way for you after you have all the badges.

    The following is the information of the four heavenly kings and the champion of the champion

    Tianwang 1 -sidney, evil system king
    no.262 Evil dog 46
    no.359 Catastrophic level 49
    no.342 Steel clamp 48 level
    no.275 days of Mu Dog 48
    no.332 Tascin palm level 46
    n Tianwang 2 -pheobe, Ghosts
    no.356 Kurosi level 48
    no.354 Insomnia Ghost 49
    no.354 Insomnia Ghost 49
    no.302 Hell Superman 50
    no.356 Kurosy Level 51

    Tianwang 3 -GLACIA, Ice King
    NO.364 Grade 50
    no.364 Grade 52
    no.362 giants Ice Monster 50
    no.362 Giants Ice Monster 52
    no.365 Marine Elephant Kings 53

    Tianwang 4 -Drake, Dragon Series
    no.372 Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Best 52 level
    no.330 Dragonfly Dragon level 53
    no.230 Sea Malaysia 53
    no.334 Big Hibari 54 level
    no.373 Blood Wing Flying Dragon 55

    Alliance champion -WALLACE
    no.321 Giant Whale 57
    no.350 Beautiful Dragon King 58
    no.073 Poison Stomach Grade 55 nno.130 Level 56 of the Pyramid Dragon
    NO.340 Earthquake Fish 56

    After defeating the champion, you will become the new league champion. , Record your elves. After that, the customs clearance was cleared.

    In after customs clearance, you will return home. Dad will give you a ticket, and you can go to Kayi or Abuta to take a boat in the future. After watching the TV, I said that there was an unknown elf flying in the Fangyuan area. My mother asked you whether you were blue water governor or red water governor. Which one do you choose and which water supervisor you will encounter in the future. When you walk out of the house, the doctor will help you upgrade the illustration to the 386 version, and then you can catch the gold and silver version of the elves in Fangyuan area.

    The take a boat to the battle park. This is the place of the previous battle tower. It has been converted into a larger battle area ... There are 7 kinds of battle facilities here, which will not be introduced one by one. On the far right of the paradise, you will see a strange tree. When using the fat whale can be used to use the fertile whale can, a deceptive tree will appear, level 40. After receiving the deceiving tree, use surfing where it blocked, and walking left to enter a cave, there are a lot of painting dogs in it.

    The temporarily leave the battle park, and learned from the director of the Meteorological Observatory on the 119th road that the weather in a certain road (random change) was abnormal, and then it immediately reached that road. If there is a big sun, you need to find a cave, Gulaton in it; if it is raining there, you need to find a small piece of waters that can be dive, and there is a sea emperor's teeth. Two god beasts 70 each.

    It to Tianzhu, the second floor needs to be rushed over with fast bicycles (3 grid acceleration). There is a 70 -level sky dragon on the top of the building.

    Is after watching TV, a road will appear in a road in Fangyuan area randomly, level 40.

    three gods pillar incidents:

    In first go to 134, like RS, to a place where you can dive in the rapids, to the bottom of the hole, read the text on the wall , Use Dig, the door will open. Enter the door, read the text, put No. 321 first, and put No. 369 at the end again. The earthquake will occur, and the door of all the pillars will open.

    1. Rock (377):
    This holes on the south of the desert. After that, read the text on the wall, then take two steps to the left, take two steps down, use stone fragments, use stone fragments, use stone fragments, use stone fragments, use stone fragments, use stone fragments, use stone fragments, use stone fragments, use stone fragments, use stone shattered (ROCK SMASH) The door will open, the level is 40
    2. Ice (378):
    This holes on the 105th road, after arriving there, read the text, and then run around the hole clockwise (must be sure After running), the door will open, level 40
    3. Steel (379):
    The last hole is on the 120 road. After finding, read the text on the wall, walk to the middle of the room, use it to use, use it The flash door will open, level 40

    When you collect 100 PMs, the doctor will give you one of the following three elves:
    no.153 Little Flower
    NO .155 Fire Lan Beast
    NO.158 Little Crocodile

    THE END.

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