5 thoughts on “Chinese food culture characteristics”

  1. The characteristics of China's diet are: diverse flavors, different seasons, pay attention to beauty, pay attention to taste, and combine food and medicine.
    Due to the vast Chinese leaders and the great land, there are differences in climate, products, and customs in various places. For a long time, many flavors have been formed in diet. China has always said that it is "north of the South Mi". It has the taste of "South Sweet and East Sour Sour Sour" in taste, mainly Bashu, Qilu, Huaiyang, and Guangdong and Fujian.

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  3. Chinese diet characteristics China is a state of civilization and a country, and a long -term food culture. I survived the world, eating and drinking for more than 20 years, I have some experiences and insights. I now summarize the following characteristics of food culture. Due to the vast across my country and the world's large -scale objects, there are differences in climate, products, and customs in various places. For a long time, many flavors have been formed in their diet. my country has always said that the "north of the South Mi" is said to be divided into ‘sour north and sour sour sour” in taste, mainly Bashu, Qilu, Huaiyang, and Guangdong and Fujian.
    The second, the four seasons are different. Eat all year round and four seasons, which is another major feature of Chinese cooking. Since ancient times, my country has been seasoning and side dishes in accordance with seasonal changes. The taste of mellow in winter, light and cool in summer; stewed in winter, and frozen in summer.
    third, pay attention to beauty. China's cooking is not only superb, but also has a tradition of attention to the beauty of the dishes. Pay attention to the coordination of the color, fragrance, taste, shape, and device of food. The performance of the beauty of the dishes is many aspects. Whether it is a carrot or a cabbage heart, it can be carved out of various shapes, unique, and reaches the harmony and unity of color, fragrance, taste, shape, and beauty. Unified special enjoyment.
    Fourth, pay attention to interest. my country ’s cooking has paid attention to taste interesting early, not only strict requirements for the color, fragrance and taste of food snacks, but also have certain requirements for their naming, taste methods, rhythm of meals, and entertainment. The name of Chinese dishes can be said to be divine and elegant. The names of the dishes are named after the main, auxiliary, seasonings and cooking methods, as well as named after historical palms, myths, legends, celebrity food, and dishes. , 'Calling the chicken', 'dragon and phoenix Chengxiang', 'Hongmen Banquet', 'Dongpo Meat' ...
    Fifth, combine food and medicine. my country's cooking technology is closely linked with medical care. With thousands of years ago, there was a saying of 'medical food, food, medicated diet and the same merit ", and used the medicinal value of food raw materials to make various delicious dishes to achieve to achieve a variety of delicious dishes to achieve the achievement of all kinds The purpose of preventing and controlling certain diseases. "

  4. The characteristics of Chinese food culture are as follows:
    First, the flavor is diverse. Due to the vast across my country and the world's large -scale objects, there are differences in climate, products, and customs in various places. For a long time, many flavors have been formed in their diet.

    The second, the four seasons are different. Eat all year round and four seasons, which is another major feature of Chinese cooking. Since ancient times, my country has been seasoning and side dishes in accordance with seasonal changes. The taste of mellow in winter, light and cool in summer; stewed in winter, and frozen in summer.

    third, pay attention to beauty. Chinese cooking is not only exquisite in technology, but also a tradition of paying attention to the beauty of the dishes. Pay attention to the coordination of the color, aroma, taste, shape, and device of the food. Special enjoyment of material high degree.

    . Fourth, pay attention to interest. my country ’s cooking has paid attention to taste interesting early, not only strict requirements for the color, fragrance and taste of food snacks, but also have certain requirements for their naming, taste methods, rhythm of meals, and entertainment.

    Fifth, a combination of medicine. my country's cooking technology is closely linked with medical care. With thousands of years ago, there was a saying of 'medical food, food, medicated diet and the same merit ", and used the medicinal value of food raw materials to make various delicious dishes to achieve to achieve a variety of delicious dishes to achieve the achievement of all kinds The purpose of preventing and controlling certain diseases. "

  5. I hope to help you and hope to adopt, thank you!
    This Chinese catering culture

    This of Chinese food culture is profound and long, and it has a high reputation in the world.

    This Chinese people say that they are not just three meals a day, quenching thirst and hunger. Festive. "Egg" means the continuation of life, and the "Eat Egg" sends the high hopes of the Chinese people. When the child is years old, he must "eat", "eat" at the age of eighteen, and "eat" when you get married. At the sixty birthday, you must celebrate the congratulations. This kind of "eating" is a physiological satisfaction on the surface, but in fact "the intention of drunk men is not wine", it uses this form to express a rich psychological connotation. The culture of eating has surpassed the "eating" itself and has gained a deeper social significance. Through Chinese and Western exchanges, our food culture has appeared in new era characteristics. For example, it is a kind of progress of the times. The practice of the top ten bowls of the eight -bowl has been reformed, which is also very gratifying. However, in the collision with the culture of countries around the world, the Chinese food culture should have a solid fulcrum so that it can be improved and developed in the process of Bodicon, maintaining the endless vitality. I think this fulcrum is the characteristics of excellent traditional culture, which is the basic connotation that Chinese food culture needs to explore. Therefore, the inspection of the basic connotation of Chinese food culture will not only help the deepening of the theory of food culture, but also have a profound positive significance for the Chinese food culture to occupy the world market. In my opinion, the Chinese food culture can be summarized as four words: fine, beautiful, affection, and etiquette. These four words reflect the unique cultural meaning contained in the quality of food, aesthetic experience, emotional activities, and social functions during the diet activities, and also reflect the close connection between food culture and Chinese excellent traditional culture.

    fine. It is a summary of the inherent quality of the Chinese food culture. Confucius said: "I don't tire the food, I don't tire of it." This reflects the ancestors' awareness of diet. Of course, this may be limited to certain noble classes. However, as a cultural spirit, this kind of boutique consciousness has become more and more extensive and deeper into the entire dietary activities. The selection of ingredients, cooking, compatibility, and even diet environment reflects a "fine" word.

    beauty reflects the aesthetic characteristics of food culture. One of the important reasons why Chinese diet can conquer the world is its beauty. This beauty refers to the perfect unity of Chinese diet activities and content, which refers to the aesthetic pleasure and spiritual enjoyment it brings to people. The first is the taste. Mr. Sun Yat -sen said that "discerning the taste is not good, but the cooking is not good", which regards the aesthetic of "taste" as the first important meaning of cooking. "Yan's Spring and Autumn" said: "He Ruyu. The water and fire are salt and the salt is cooking fish, and the salary is salary.

    Mi, as a basic connotation of food culture, it is the charm of Chinese diet, and the beauty runs through every link of the dietary activity process.

    , this is a summary of the psychological functions of Chinese food culture and social and social. Eating and drinking cannot be briefly regarded. It is actually the medium of emotional exchanges between people, and it is a unique social activity. While eating and chatting, you can do business, exchange information, and interviews. Friends are separated and sent to us. People are accustomed to expressing good or welcome moods on the dining table. The emotional storms often use wine and vegetables to calm down. This is the function of dietary activities for social psychology. In the past teahouses, everyone sat down to drink tea, listen to books, swings dragon door array, or vent the dissatisfaction with the court, which is really a great psychological massage.

    This Chinese diet has a "lyric" function because of the philosophical thoughts of "drinking morals and ethics, Wanbang Tongle" and the ethnic characteristics of ethnic characteristics.

    Is have a problem of guidance and improvement in the emotional culture of diet activities. We must promote a healthy and beautiful cultural atmosphere and pursue a noble sentiment.

    "ritual" refers to the etiquette of diet activities. Chinese diet is particular about "ritual, which has a lot to do with our traditional culture. It is ritual in" Book of Rites and Rites "in" Book of Rites and Rites ":" At the beginning of the ceremony, the diet Essence "There are no pages of the" three rituals "in the" three rituals ". There is no page that has not mentioned the wine and food in the sacrifice. Rites refer to a kind of order and standard. .

    Is talk about "etiquette", don't simply regard it as a etiquette, but should understand it as a spirit, an inner ethical spirit. This "etiquette" spirit, the spirit of "etiquette", Throughout the dietary activities, it constitutes the logical starting point of the Chinese dietary civilization.

    is fine, beautiful, affection, and etiquette. Organicly constitutes the overall concept of Chinese food culture. Essence and beauty focus on the image and quality of the diet, and love and rituals focus on the mentality, customs and social functions of the diet. It is interdependent and mutual cause and effect. Only its "fine" can have a complete "beauty"; only its "beauty" can stimulate "love"; only "love" can have the "ritual" of the conjunction of the era of the era . The four are born with each other and perfectly unified, and form the highest state of Chinese food culture. Only by grasping "fineness, beauty, affection, etiquette" can we deeply understand the Chinese food culture. And promote the Chinese food culture.

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