albuquerque indian jewelry wholesale What kind of gifts do you give to visit British friends in London?

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3 thoughts on “albuquerque indian jewelry wholesale What kind of gifts do you give to visit British friends in London?”

  1. wholesale prom jewelry Customs habits
    The Sunday in London, stores have stopped business, and all theater and most cinemas are also closed. Because London people like to go out of the city on Sunday.

    British, it is best to give a lighter gift when giving gifts. Because the cost is not much, it will not be mistaken for a bribe. The British are like most other Europeans. Like senior chocolate, famous wine and flowers. Most of them do not appreciate the gifts marked by the company's company.
    This drinking is a tea loved by people from all walks of life in the UK. It can almost be called British national drinks, especially women's tea love. The British love to cook the fresh tea, put one or two pieces of sugar and a little cold milk.
    In afternoon tea is in the countryside, also called 荤, or tea full of tea. When drinking tea, eat fish, meat and other dishes to replace meals.
    The five -o'clock tea in the United Kingdom. It is a social activity of a parent -class woman. Instead of drinking tea, it is better to ask friends to talk about tea at 5 pm. meeting.

    The British do not like to talk about personal affairs when they meet, and when they talk about the weather, they will be cold.
    This thumbs in the UK is the meaning of driving the road.
    In Britain, if wearing a mask to the street, people will think that the infectious patient runs out, maybe someone is called an ambulance.

    The British are still more particular about wearing, so they still have to wear a suit tie during the guests, visiting or attending wine clubs, banquets, and evenings. In the summer, you can wear a short -sleeved shirt without wearing a suit, but you have to play a tie.
    The concept of time for the British. You must be more accurate for the arrangement of dating. It is not polite to be late for no reason, and it is not necessary to get too early. If you delay or temporarily cancel your dating for some reason, you must try to notify the other party by phone. British calls can be transferred directly throughout the country and many cities in the world.

    -negotiation habits:
    Britable businessmen do not like long-term bargaining. They want to talk about one or twice. Except for important negotiations, one hour is usually enough. They sometimes use lunch to discuss business. If the other party is invited, you can participate.
    This talk with the British, the methods and strategies for negotiations are important. Important business negotiations should be discussed with the company's decision -making characters, such as chairman, executive director and general manager, and meet in advance. The British pay attention to etiquette and keep reserved in business talks, but they show their feelings. Therefore, they talk to the British business. They need to be tidy, talked about elegant, and dignified.
    The British businessmen are both conservative and changeable in negotiations, so we should not be humble, grasp the heat, and strive to reach an agreement between the two parties. Sometimes in the negotiations, businessmen suddenly change their ideas, especially if the contract is not signed in time after the negotiation, he will regret the clauses that have been negotiated. Therefore, seizing the opportunity and signing a contract in time is a trick.
    The British are generally not good in communication, but sometimes they also make some necessary entertainment for business needs. And this entertainment also looks conservative and elegant.
    The British never associate time with money. The holidays of the British are inviolable. They are their vacation time at the end of July to the beginning of September each year. Therefore, it is best to avoid this time to negotiate abroad. In discussion with the British, etiquette and politeness are very particular. When talking about the "British", do not use the term "English Geese", otherwise it will cause dissatisfaction among other ethnic groups. The Queen's mind is the supreme position and the symbol of the country. Therefore, there must be no rude words to the queen during the dinner. When both parties are satisfied with both parties, British businessmen will invite you to visit his house. You should go to the banquet on time. Flowers, chocolate and wine can be used as gifts at the banquet. At Christmas, New Year and each other's birthday, sending a greeting card will also strengthen the friendly and cooperative relationship between the two parties, which can promote business.
    This in the United Kingdom has many trade fairs and exhibitions every year. The best visit time is consistent with the counterpart exhibition. This can understand the British market and a large number of merchants. This type of exhibition rarely exceeds one week. There are exhibitors and exhibits printed on the directory printed on the expo, which is very helpful to do business.
    Pevy Most British businessmen work 5 days a week, Saturday and Sunday are holidays. It is best not to visit Britain in August, because most people go on vacation. In addition, avoid from December 20th to January 2nd, because people are preparing to Christmas and New Year. From the end of March to mid -April is Easter. There are still holidays on 5th and 8th month.
    The British generally drink beer and whiskey without ice. In addition, they like to travel in groups to travel far away. Therefore, this holiday is very important for the British. They must first eat an almond pudding and then eat other things. If you receive gifts from others in this week, when you feel unsuitable or dissatisfied, you can also hold a gift to the original store to change something that you like and price. In this way, people who give gifts and gifts will feel very convenient.
    In coal Blocks when visiting other people's houses in the New Year, they must bring a piece of coal and put the coal into the stove of others as a gift to congratulate the New Year. At the same time, I also say a blessing: "I wish your coal and endlessly."

    Ti tip
    Whether to pay a tip to depends on the situation, and the general service industry pays 10%. The hotel is about 20 pence per day, and the tip of high houses should be slightly increased. Middle dinner can be given to 10%. The station and airport luggage handling workers give a tip of about a pound as depending on the situation. (The station and the airport are equipped with a car, which can borrow the car to push the luggage by themselves). Tips for taxis are also 10%, long -distance car rental can be given two to three pounds a day. This standard can also add 20%of the price expansion index.

    office hours:
    Government organs: 09:-17: 30
    company line number: 09:-17: 30
    Bank: 1) England: Monday to Friday 9:30--15: 30 (Some large branches also opened on Saturday 09: 30--12: 00)

    2) Wales: Monday to Friday 9:30- -15: 30
    3) Scottish: The business hours on Monday to Wednesday are 09: 30--12: 30 and 13: 30--15: 30, the business hours on Thursday are 09: 30--12: 30, and,,, on Thursday 13: 30--15: 30 and 16: 30--18: 00, the business hours on Friday are 09: 30--15: 30
    4) Northern Ireland: Monday to Friday is 10:00 -12: 30 and 13: 30--15: 30 Business hours:
    The business hours for shops and department stores are generally 9 to 17:00, and many stores are extended to 19:00 on Wednesday and Thursday. However, the department stores near Oxford Street and Pound Street are open at 17, and almost all stores on Sunday are resting on Sunday.

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